Write On Con: Day 2 | Jo Linsdell

Write On Con: Day 2

Day two of Write On Con 2013 was packed full of great advice and information. Here's my top picks from day 2:

Deborah Diesen did an awesome video presentation about rhythm and rhyme where she spoke about beats and meter, staying true to the rhythm and the importance of rhyming rhythmically.

In "Making Picture books: A list of the top 5 things I wish someone would have told me..." Lindsay Ward  included; "you're the talent", "be your books biggest advocate", "trust your instincts", "let the story guide you" and "be patient". 

Author C. Desir gave some good editing tips in her article and listening to the literary agents feedback during the LIVE twitter pitches gave me lots of points to think about.

I'll definitely be taking part in next years event.