Keeping Busy
Apologies for dropping off the planet. Whilst I haven't been very active on here this month, I have been very busy.
Promo Day
Preparations are underway for this years Promo Day event. Saturday 30th may is going to be awesome! I've got a great line up of presenters who will be covering a wide variety of topics related to book marketing, and author branding. I've also got some awesome sponsors for this years event. Book Goodies, and Sandy Lender Ink, Inc are back again this year. They are joined by Cedar Loft Productions.
I also have a special offer for all PD15 attendees, kindly offered by author Carolyn Howard-Johnson, who will give a free e-copy of her award winning book The Frugal Editor to everyone who takes part in at least one of the seminars during the event. Pretty cool huh?!
There will also be pitch sessions with Publishers during the event. No waiting for weeks, or even months, for a reply. No need for an agent. Writers can pitch their manuscripts directly to Publishers during the event and get an answer back the same day.
Then, of course, there are all the promoting and networking opportunities. Lots of organise but it's totally worth it. If you'd like to help spread the word about the Promo Day event please get in touch for an interview, or a copy of the media kit. You can also find material to use in blog posts, social media posts, etc on the website media page at
Registrations for this years event are now open so hop over to and sign up. It's free and everyone is welcome.
Writers and Authors started off the year by being listed in the Top 50 Writing Blogs 2015. I'm now busy working on new blog posts and making a few little changes to improve the site and offer even more.
This follows directly on from Writers and Authors as the ecourses will be promoted largely through the site. I'm working on putting together several ecourses at the moment and hopefully will have them ready for launching this Spring. I'm really excited about this new venture and have loads of ideas for more courses in the future too. I'll share more details about this soon.
I launched a new website at the end of January called The Mum Club. It's a project that is important for me and I hope to see it grow over this year. I'm definitely benefiting from it and hope lots of other mums will too.
Some of you might remember a romance novella I was writing called Twice. It's pure chick-lit and I'm having a blast writing it. I actually started writing a couple of years ago as part of the NaNoWriMo challenge but didn't get round to finishing it. Well, I've dusted it off and jumped back in. It's like visiting old friends. I hope you'll have as much fun reading it as I'm having writing it.
Another book I'm working on at the moment is How to be Pinterest Perfect (the 2nd book in the Writers and Authors Guide to Social Media series). I had hoped to have this finished by now but life happened and well, I haven't yet. It should be ready soon though, so watch this space!
Another project I'm working on is reformatting the kindle version of Italian for Tourists. I paid someone to do the first version for me years ago and, although at the time I didn't realise, they didn't do a very good job of it. Back then I had very little knowledge about formatting, especially for kindle. My apologies for not sorting this out sooner. The new improved version is almost ready now though and the book will be relaunched this Spring.
My Disney sketch project is also still in process. I'll have more of those to share with you over the coming months. It's been a real eye opener. I'll be putting into practice some of the things I've learnt when I work on the illustrations for my new children's picture story book The Bedtime Book.
I've also been chatting with author Maria Rochelle about some new collaborations. Very excited about seeing the new manuscripts.
So, as you can see, I'm a busy girl. So far I'm doing a pretty good job of ticking off things from my 2015 goal list though.
How are you doing with your goals for this year so far?
I also have a special offer for all PD15 attendees, kindly offered by author Carolyn Howard-Johnson, who will give a free e-copy of her award winning book The Frugal Editor to everyone who takes part in at least one of the seminars during the event. Pretty cool huh?!
There will also be pitch sessions with Publishers during the event. No waiting for weeks, or even months, for a reply. No need for an agent. Writers can pitch their manuscripts directly to Publishers during the event and get an answer back the same day.
Then, of course, there are all the promoting and networking opportunities. Lots of organise but it's totally worth it. If you'd like to help spread the word about the Promo Day event please get in touch for an interview, or a copy of the media kit. You can also find material to use in blog posts, social media posts, etc on the website media page at
Registrations for this years event are now open so hop over to and sign up. It's free and everyone is welcome.
Writers and Authors
Writers and Authors started off the year by being listed in the Top 50 Writing Blogs 2015. I'm now busy working on new blog posts and making a few little changes to improve the site and offer even more.
This follows directly on from Writers and Authors as the ecourses will be promoted largely through the site. I'm working on putting together several ecourses at the moment and hopefully will have them ready for launching this Spring. I'm really excited about this new venture and have loads of ideas for more courses in the future too. I'll share more details about this soon.
The Mum Club
I launched a new website at the end of January called The Mum Club. It's a project that is important for me and I hope to see it grow over this year. I'm definitely benefiting from it and hope lots of other mums will too.
Some of you might remember a romance novella I was writing called Twice. It's pure chick-lit and I'm having a blast writing it. I actually started writing a couple of years ago as part of the NaNoWriMo challenge but didn't get round to finishing it. Well, I've dusted it off and jumped back in. It's like visiting old friends. I hope you'll have as much fun reading it as I'm having writing it.
How to be Pinterest Perfect
Another book I'm working on at the moment is How to be Pinterest Perfect (the 2nd book in the Writers and Authors Guide to Social Media series). I had hoped to have this finished by now but life happened and well, I haven't yet. It should be ready soon though, so watch this space!
Italian for Tourists
Another project I'm working on is reformatting the kindle version of Italian for Tourists. I paid someone to do the first version for me years ago and, although at the time I didn't realise, they didn't do a very good job of it. Back then I had very little knowledge about formatting, especially for kindle. My apologies for not sorting this out sooner. The new improved version is almost ready now though and the book will be relaunched this Spring.
Arty stuff
My Disney sketch project is also still in process. I'll have more of those to share with you over the coming months. It's been a real eye opener. I'll be putting into practice some of the things I've learnt when I work on the illustrations for my new children's picture story book The Bedtime Book.
I've also been chatting with author Maria Rochelle about some new collaborations. Very excited about seeing the new manuscripts.
So, as you can see, I'm a busy girl. So far I'm doing a pretty good job of ticking off things from my 2015 goal list though.
How are you doing with your goals for this year so far?