Every May I organise an online event called Promo Day. It's a whole day dedicated to promoting, networking, and learning.
As May is fast approaching, I've been rolling up my sleeves and getting everything ready for the big day. A lot of work goes into setting up an event like this but it's totally worth it! Every event brings me (and others) new clients, assignments, and opportunities. It's also great for re-enforcing my author brand and increasing name recognition.
I'm doing the website myself this year and it's starting to come together. Drop by http://promoday.blogspot.com and check it out. I love playing around with html code (one of my hobbies) but I'm by no means an expert at it yet so it's been challenging, frustrating at times, and rewarding to be able to put it all together.
I still have a lot of work to do though. One of the things on my to do list is to finish putting together the press page. On this page you'll be able to find audio ads, video's, banners, tweetables, and pretty much anything you might need or want to help promote the event.
This year I have a great line up of presenters. Big names like Carolyn Howard Johnson, Penny Sansevieri, and Rivka Kawano (to name just a few) will be sharing valuable tips and advice during the event. I'm still on the look out for more presenters to add to the line up and I also have to coordinate all the material for each one. I will be presenting "How to be Twittertastic".
The event is completely free to attend and all to everyone. Register now at http://promoday.blogspot.com