Featured Friday: Kangaroo-Clues by Margot Finke
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Title: Kangaroo-Clues
Author: Margot Finke
ISBN: 9781616333683;1616333685
Purchasing links:
Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/bg9dtxt
Powells Books: http://www.powells.com/s?kw=Margot+Finke&class=
Guardian Angel Publishing:
Kangaroo Clues shows how crafty Old Man Roo escapes the dingoes that are chasing him. This rhyming story features unique Aussie critters - kangaroos, emu, echidna, kookaburra and marsupial mice etc. A fun tale that is also educational. Suggested age range for readers: 6-10
Link to a FREE “Sneak Peek” inside 8x of my books.
Author bio:
Margot Fink is an Aussie Transplant who married a Yank. She ended up in Oregon with 3 children, and writing books with a WOW factor for children. With 13 books now published, and more in the works, she does SKYPE author visits to schools. She chats about this here: http://tinyurl.com/8qw44al
Author website
Review of the book:
By Nicole Weaver
5 star Review
Australian author Margot Finke's new book “Kangaroo Clues” is a masterpiece. The picture book introduces the reader to the Australian outback. The mystical appeal of the illustrations transported me to a land of adventures and excitement.
Young readers will fall in love with this great book.
Young readers will fall in love with this great book.
Mini Interview:
Why did you write this book?
I wrote all my children's books with the idea of HOOKING kids on reading, while at the same time helping them. All are fun as well as educational. I have always thought of reading as a Magic Carpet Ride to fun and adventure, and I wanted to invite kids along for a ride on my own Magic Carpet.
Anything in particular you'd like to share about this book or its creation?
Kangaroo Clues is a tale from the Australian Dreamtime, a mystical place the aboriginals believe in. And Old Man Kangaroos DO sometimes trick the dingoes in this manner. The illustrator lives in Turkey, and at the time he had no computer and spoke no English. A mutual friend acted as interpreter and go between – a marathon task! But as you can see, the results fit the mythical feel of this tale to perfection.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
Aha. . . another couple of picture books are lined up for my publisher, and a sequel to “Taconi and Claude,” my young teen Aussie adventure, titled “Survival by Walkabout,” should be available before Christmas. I am also self-publishing another midgrade book titled “Down-Under Calling.” After that, who knows?