2018: My Plans For The Year Ahead
Firstly, Happy New Year! It is now officially 2018 and we have a whole year ahead of us. 365 days to fill with awesomeness. So have you thought about how you're going to fill them? I've been giving it some thought and that's what I want to share with you in today's post.
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My plans for 2018
You may already know, I love a good challenge. Well, I have several planned for this year. I'll be updating you on my progress each week as I'll have a few on the ago at the same time. Some are reading related (2018 A to Z Reading Challenge, and Beat The Backlist), and some are writing related (several Camp NaNoWriMo's and the big one in November). You can also find my list of challenges at http://www.jolinsdell.com/p/my-challenges.html
500 words a day
I'm always busy. I have a lot of different projects going on, and juggle various jobs whilst being a mum, wife, and everything else. Needless to say I don't have much free time. I do plan to use my time better this year though, and make time for the things I want to do. One such thing is writing.
Every year I make the resolution to write more. I don't do too badly, but find I grab time when I can. This year I'm making time. I wanted to be realistic though and so have given myself a goal of 500 words a day. I'll be keeping track of this and the other habits I want to stick to this year in a habit tracker so I can clearly see my progress throughout the year.
More premades
Publishing plans
I have a lot of books I want to publish this year. Some non fiction, some children's picture books, and some novels. I also plan on finishing my serial fiction KOSMOS. It's going to be a busy 12 months.
Freelance writing
I used to do a fair bit of freelance writing in the past, but over recent years stopped. A big reason why I stopped was lack of time. I have even less free time now than I did back then so you may be wondering why I would consider starting back up this route now. The difference is that this time I have a plan.
In the past I did articles for low paying sites and so the time I spent writing them wasn't really worth it. This year I'll be targeting specific publications and websites, and higher paying markets. Again, I want to be realistic with my goals, and so I'm going to aim for one article a week (at least to start with). I'll be updating you on my progress throughout the year.
As with every year I plan to grow my blogs. Both this one, and Writers And Authors. I'll be working more on marketing both, and building a larger readership. I'm also going to be looking into new ways to increase profits over at Writers and Authors, and will be adding some new services.
Promo Day
Promo Day will make it's annual return again this year on Saturday 5th May. You can find out more about the event at the Promo Day website. I would love to grow the event even more this year. I'm still working on ideas but already have some excellent presenters lined up for the webinars.
A healthier me
Not directly a work related goal but still an important one that will have an effect on my work. As some of you that have followed me for some time will know, I don't have the best of health. My immune system often shuts down due to allergies. Being ill is not only unpleasant, it also effects my work. It's hard to keep up with deadlines when you're stuck in bed with a temperature or a virus.
So my plan for 2018 is to be healthier. I'm going to be working out every day. Yep, work out is on my habit tracker too. I may share more insight into my work outs and the progress I make through out the year as I think it's important to take care of our bodies. It's also something a lot of writers neglect. We spend far too much time sitting around which can have a negative effect on our health. I won't be signing up for any flashy gym memberships. It will all be simple workouts that can be done from home with little or no equipment. The sort of stuff anyone can do.
What are your goals for 2018?