Interview on The Writing Train | Jo Linsdell

Interview on The Writing Train

Interview on The Writing Train @thewritingtrain

I've met some really awesome people over on Twitter. It is definitely one of my favourite social media sites, and without doubt one of the most effective for branding, marketing, and connecting. 

Unlike some other main stream social media sites, Twitter is in fact very social. People comment on tweets, share tweets, and well just join in the conversation a lot more openly than they do on other social media sites (obviously this is just based on my own personal experience. Some people manage to get a lot of interaction on other sites and drive huge amounts of traffic to their websites).

Anyway, I use Twitter a lot. During November it was one of my favourite places for posting about my NaNoWriMo progress. It really made the event all the more special, and fun to do. I loved cheering on my fellow writers, and sharing the highs and lows of the adventure with them. The support network on Twitter is amazing, and not just in November. The writing community on there is great all year round.

But I digress. Today I wanted to share with you an example of why Twitter is so awesome, and introduce you to one of my new writing buddies. 

Today I'm interviewed by Benjamin Thomas, from The Writing Train over at We talk about a whole bunch of stuff including; writing, blogging, and even graphic design. I hope you'll drop by and leave a comment.

I connected with Benjamin during NaNoWriMo via Twitter, and he helped cheer me on as I worked on my word count. I jumped at the chance when he invited me to be featured on his website.

Benjamin also organises Mystery Thriller Week which is an annual event that celebrates the whole mystery/thriller/crime genre (check out for more details). The next event happens 12th -22nd February 2017. If you love writing and/or reading this genre as much as I do I hope you'll consider dropping by and checking out the event. 

You can follow Benjamin on Twitter at