64 Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors | Jo Linsdell

64 Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors

64 Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors

Book bloggers are awesome. These literary lovers help spread the word about the books they read. They spend time crafting book reviews, taking photo's featuring the book covers, and sharing on social media. 

Book bloggers are an authors best friend. They are a promotional powerhouse for books, as not only do they go above and beyond to talk about the books they read, but their audiences are listening to them for that purpose. Their followers go to them for reading recommendations, and suggestions. They turn to them for inspiration when they're in a reading slump, and use them to keep up on news of new releases. 

Book bloggers bring authors to their target audience.

This is great news for all authors, regardless of how they are published. Even big name publishers send out review copies and ARC's to book bloggers as part of their book marketing plan.

For authors who self publish it can be hard to create a buzz about their new release. They generally can't afford huge promotional campaigns and advertising. This is why finding book bloggers who support indie authors is like hitting gold.

Well, today I'm saving you the time of searching. 

I reached out to the book blogging community on Twitter (which is awesome too by the way), and all these wonderful bloggers said they are happy to work with indie authors. 

Pretty awesome right?!

Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors:

  1. https://motifbytanya.com/ Update: this site is no longer directed to a book blog.
  2. http://www.literallyblack.com
  3. http://www.thisgirlreadsalot.blogspot.com
  4. https://cafethinking.com/
  5. https://independentbookreview.com/
  6. https://philleader.blogspot.com/
  7. https://www.ericarobynreads.com/
  8. https://hidingbehindbooksblog.wordpress.com/
  9. http://www.narratess.com/
  10. https://ignoringlifeblog.blogspot.com/
  11. http://www.boundtowriting.com/
  12. http://www.literaryedits.com/blog/
  13. http://www.theressomethingaboutkm.com/
  14. https://lovelyaudiobooks.info/ (only audiobooks)
  15. https://reviewsbyleeve.wordpress.com/
  16. https://laurenbodiford123.wordpress.com/
  17. https://entertaininglynerdy.com/
  18. https://catsluvcoffeez.blogspot.com/
  19. https://irresponsiblereader.com/
  20. https://savvythebookroyal.wordpress.com/
  21. https://comfycozyup.com/
  22. https://thecaffeinatedreader.com/
  23. https://lilisblissfulpages.wordpress.com/
  24. https://lovebooksgroup.com/
  25. https://orlando-books.blog/
  26. http://stephloves.co.uk/
  27. https://abookhavenx.wordpress.com/
  28. https://www.bookinggoodread.com/
  29. https://manisbookcornerblog.wordpress.com/
  30. https://bookishfaereviews.wordpress.com/
  31. http://www.msjmentions.com/
  32. https://inkishkingdoms.wordpress.com/
  33. https://moonlightpages.wordpress.com/
  34. https://tashasbookishworld.wordpress.com/
  35. http://a-novel-idea.co.uk/
  36. https://barbarabilsky.wixsite.com/blog
  37. https://bookcoffeehappy.com/
  38. https://bibookishbabe23.wordpress.com/
  39. https://booksandbindings.com/
  40. https://blog.kristenburns.com/
  41. https://www.amybucklesbookshelf.co.uk/
  42. https://www.bloglovin.com/@weekendreader
  43. https://areadingbrit.co.uk/
  44. https://aramblingreviewer.wordpress.com/
  45. https://whisperingstories.com/
  46. https://acatabookandacupoftea.wordpress.com/
  47. https://thebigfatbookworm.wordpress.com/
  48. https://www.proseoflife.com/
  49. https://anewlookonbooks.com/blog/
  50. https://emmaschapter.wordpress.com/
  51. https://moonkestrelblog.wordpress.com/
  52. https://ashesbooksandbobs.com/
  53. http://zooloosbookdiary.co.uk/
  54. https://bookathonblog.wordpress.com/
  55. https://bookishstateofmind.com/
  56. https://sarahjanelamb.co.uk/
  57. https://beforewegoblog.com/
  58. https://behindthesebrowneyes.com/
  59. http://www.athinsliceofanxiety.com/
  60. https://mylifewithinthepages.com/
  61. https://elgeewrites.com/
  62. http://www.booksandme.co.uk/
  63. https://thebookishfairy.com/
  64. http://entangledwords.in/

And now for a bonus! 

I always like to give you a little something extra so here's some book lovers who review indie authors on their YouTube channels:

You might also like: 108 Book Blogs to Follow

64 Book Bloggers Who Work With Indie Authors

Are you self publishing your book and want to discuss book marketing ideas? 


  1. Replies
    1. My pleasure. Thanks for supporting indie authors.

  2. I am amazed by the linking together of so any with the same interests of promoting writing.
    Thank you for your part!

    1. My pleasure Voni. i agree, it's great to see so many bloggers that support indie authors, and writers in general.

  3. Such an awesome resource! On behalf of indie writers, a big thank you for putting this together! Now I have to click through and follow all of these excellent blogs.

    1. My pleasure. I hope this list will help both indie authors and the book bloggers that support them.

  4. This is a fantastic post! Can I also throw my hat into the ring?

    I'm an old time blogger but brand new BookTuber, currently focusing on my indie series. I'll share my channel link below - and will definitely be checking out the others!

    1. Sure. The more the merrier! Always nice to know about more book bloggers and BookTubers who support indie authors.

    2. Cheers! I'm relatively small-time compared to these guys. I'm working on it. :)

  5. Thanks for this! I'd also like to flex this team https://honestbookreview.com/ as I really had a great experience with them, they love working especially with indie authors like me.

    1. Excellent! Always happy to discover more great book blogs. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Hey, btw the first link goes to a site that's just advertising XXX movies :(

    1. Thank you so much for the heads up. It didn't do that when I put the list together. I will remove it from the post.
