VBT Days 36 and 37: Me, My Book & My Writing Career | Jo Linsdell

VBT Days 36 and 37: Me, My Book & My Writing Career

Today I'm hosted at http://timewithtannia.tripod.com/id31.html for a guest post "Me and My Book" where I give some background info about my writing career and the idea behind Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home.

Screenshot from Time With Tannia
Also today, I'm hosted at http://writersgettogether.blogspot.it/2013/10/how-becoming-organised-changed-my-career.html for a guest post about "How becoming organised changed my career".

Screenshot from Writers Get Together
Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home is now ranked #4 in the Goodreads list "Books to Help You Develop Your Author Platform". Thank you to all of you that have been voting on this and the other lists on Goodreads. You are awesome!

Screenshot of list from Goodreads
In other news, this week I'm taking part in The Muse Online Writers Conference. I'll be taking part in various online workshops and presentations. I'm particularly looking forward to the workshop about adding suspense presented by Pepper Smith as I have plans to write a murder mystery novel in November as part of the NaNoWriMo challenge.