How to be Twittertastic Best Seller in Multiple Categories | Jo Linsdell

How to be Twittertastic Best Seller in Multiple Categories

How to be Twittertastic Best Seller in Multiple Categories

The official virtual book tour for How to be Twittertastic is now over but the excitement isn't. If you're quick you can still take advantage of the special countdown deal I have going over on and grab a copy for just $0.99. 

You'll notice that How to be Twittertastic is currently a best seller in multiple categories [INSERT HAPPY DANCE HERE].

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The book is also featured on the Awesome Gang website today so if you get the chance please hop over and give the post a like, comment, and share.

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Thank you all for your continued support. Once you've read the book please take a moment to post a quick review on the Amazon product page. It really does make a big difference ;)