Virginia Jennings hosts Jasmine's Got Talent! | Jo Linsdell

Virginia Jennings hosts Jasmine's Got Talent!

Jasmine's Got Talent! by Maria Rochelle. Illustrated by Jo Linsdell

A big thanks to Virginia Jennings for hosting +Maria Rochelle  and I on her blog as part of the Jasmine's Got Talent! virtual book tour. 

On the 5th December she hosted me for an interview about illustrating Jasmine's Got Talent!  (You can read that post at

On the 12th December she hosted us both for an interview (check that post out here:

And on 18th December Virginia will be hosting us again. This time she'll be sharing her own review of Jasmine's Got Talent! (Looking forward to reading her feedback).

Would you like to host us on your site? Or maybe for a live social media chat via Twitter, Facebook, or Google+ hangouts? Get in touch and we'll be happy to organise :)

Want a copy of Jasmine's Got Talent!? Grab a copy here:

All reviews are most appreciated