What is #WW? #SeptVidChallenge | Jo Linsdell

What is #WW? #SeptVidChallenge

Thanks for your patience as I get back up to speed with the September Video Challenge. This is the video for day 8.

What is #WW? #SeptVidChallenge Day 8

I got asked recently what the hashtag #WW was all about, and I know there's probably quite a few of you out there wondering the same thing when you see it pop up in your Twitter newsfeed so I decided to give you the answer in todays video.


Do you use #WW to give shout outs to your favourite writers? Are there other hashtags that you're not quite sure what they mean? Leave a comment below and let me know.
Other SeptVidChallenge posts so far:


  1. I have to admit that I didn't realize Follow Friday still happened...I can't believe how long it's been since I participated in Twitter...I will shout from right here for the moment #WWJoLinsdell!!!! (Of course that does no good whatsoever...but I'll log into Twitter again some day and my fingers will remember.)

    1. haha :) Hi Sandy. Great to see you here. Yep Follow Friday is still going strong. Not just on Twitter either. You can find it on Facebook and other networks too. Send me a tweet when you get back on Twitter to @JoLinsdell :)
