How Do You Use The Favourite Button On Twitter? #SeptVidChallenge | Jo Linsdell

How Do You Use The Favourite Button On Twitter? #SeptVidChallenge

How Do You Use The Favourite Button On Twitter? #SeptVidChallenge

How Do You Use The Favourite Button On Twitter?

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Welcome to day 23 of the September Video Challenge. 

As you probably know by now, I love Twitter. I also love sharing Twittertastic tips with you, and so today's video is about Twitters favourite button and how it gets used.

People use Twitters favourite button in different ways. Some use it as a way of showing gratitude for retweets, and mentions. Others use it to bookmark tweets they found useful. Some use it to highlight comments and testimonials about their products and services.

In this video I share how I use my favourite button.

How do you use the favourite button on Twitter?

Other SeptVidChallenge posts so far:

Day 21

Day 22


  1. Fab vid Jo! I love the favourite button, and use it in a similar way to you!
