Interviewed by Simon Rose + General Update | Jo Linsdell

Interviewed by Simon Rose + General Update

Interviewed by Simon Rose

I've been having a lovely summer break so far. The kids are keeping me busy (I'm going to need a break once this break is over ;)). Beach, swimming pool, concerts, hanging out with friends and family... so much fun! Unfortunately it has meant I'm a little behind with work. I'm going to be doing some major catch up sessions. I have managed to fit in a bit of reading though so all is not lost ;)

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Interviewed by Simon Rose + general update

In amongst all this craziness I was interviewed about the KOSMOS series by fellow author Simon Ross for his blog at I hope you'll drop by and check it out. 

Interviewed by Simon Rose

In other news, The Pendant is rocking the best sellers lists on Amazon over the past few days during it's free promotion. Grab your copy at and don't forget to post a quick review once you've read it. 

The Pendant (KOSMOS Episode 1) #AmazonBestSeller #FreeRead

And now to get some writing done...