BookTubeAThon Day 2 | Jo Linsdell

BookTubeAThon Day 2

BookTubeAThon Day 2

BookTubeAThon Day 2

The second day of BookTubeAThon was a much slower day as we went to the beach for the day. Three kids, relatives, dinner out... I didn't get as much time to read as I would have liked. It was an awesome day though and the break did us all good. Rome is very hot at the moment so staying in the city is a bit like staying in an oven on full heat. 

Anyway I'm happy to report that I'm now on book 3. I'm currently reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.

Here's my very brief vlog for Day 2:

Are you taking part in BookTubeAThon? How's your reading going so far?