My Work Space | Jo Linsdell

My Work Space

I often get asked about where I write from and what my office looks like so I thought I'd show you. 

I don't have an office but I do have a corner in my bedroom that serves this purpose. As you can see from the photo it's pretty tidy and organised. There's a good reason for that. I hardly ever use it. With two young kids to look after I find it more practical to use my laptop.

Me at my desk

So now I've shown you what my desk area looks like, let me show you where most of the work actually gets done. My kitchen table....

Where the action takes place
When not being used as a kitchen table it doubles up as my work station. I can easily keep an eye on the kids playing from there meaning I get to grab more time to get little jobs done. It also gives me more space to lay my work out. When I'm working on illustrating a children's picture book for example it can be useful to have the sketches in front of me as I do the digital drafts. Also handy when working on big projects like organising Promo Day as I have more room for the folders and planners.

Sometimes I take my laptop out on my balcony to work in the sunshine and occasionally I'll take my tablet out and about and work from a coffee shop or park.

What's your work area like? Do you have an office (or corner) or do you prefer to be more mobile?


  1. Hey! Yours looks WAY neater than mine :p lololol

    1. Only because I hardly ever use it. using the kitchen table to work from forces me to be more tidy and organised as I can't just leave everything out. I got some file containers from IKEA (you can see them in the photo) and use them to hold all my work in progress folders, agenda etc... That way I just need to grab the right one and my laptop and I'm ready to get work done ;)

  2. i work in the kitchen on my manuscripts and in my office i have tons more stuff in mine.. wall to wall containers with manuscripts and stuff that i've written over the years :) I like your nice tidy space..

    1. Another advantage to working in the kitchen is that snacks and drinks are always on hand. Sometimes I even watch/listen to webinars whilst cooking the dinner. Portable work for me ;)

      I have tons of stuff packed away in boxes. In fact under the chair by my desk I have a nice decorated box that has some stuff I "might need for reference". The rest (stuff I don't need often) is in larger boxes and stored in the built in cupboards out on the balcony. I also have so many discs and pen-drives I've lost count ;)
