VBT Day 24: Best Seller in the Spotlight | Jo Linsdell

VBT Day 24: Best Seller in the Spotlight

Today I'm hosted by Beth Harar on her blog http://bethsbemusings.blogspot.it/2013/09/blog-tour-spotlight-and-interview-with.html for a book spotlight and interview.

Screenshot from Beth's Bemusings
I'm happy dancing today and with good reason. Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home became an Amazon best seller on day 1 of this tour and it's still a best seller today. Currently ranking #82 in "Authorship". I'm thrilled with the success this book is having. A huge thanks goes out to my wonderful hosts for helping me spread the word and to all those wonderful people that are buying the book. You've all made me one very happy writer chick! :)

Screenshot of best seller list on Amazon

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Want to host me during the tour? 

Drop me an email and we can set up a date. I'm happy to do book spotlights, reviews, interviews, guest posts, social media chats... pretty much anything. Just let me know what you prefer and when you want to post it. Thanks for your support.