VBT Days 14-18: Because life sometimes throws you a curve ball | Jo Linsdell

VBT Days 14-18: Because life sometimes throws you a curve ball

Life happens and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. On Saturday my two year old fell at the park and we ended up in hospital. A cut chin and trauma cranico. Pretty scary. All is back to normal now though and he's been given the all clear. Our stay in hospital did however mean that I'm a bit behind with my virtual book tour updates and all the other stuff I have going on. My tour carried on without me though so I can share with you all the posts and new updates now to bring us back up to speed.

Day 14:

'Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home'  got another awesome 5 star review posted to Amazon.

Day 15:

Day 16:

My birthday! A bit different this year given the circumstances but we did get to go home from the hospital and that was the best present I could have asked for. 

I was hosted for an interview at 

Day 17:

My guest post "10 Tips for Virtual Book Tour Success" was featured in the Writer pro newsletter 

Day 18:

Today I was hosted for a guest post about how to come up with guest post ideas at http://wherewritersandauthorsmeet.wordpress.com/2013/09/18/how-to-come-up-with-guest-post-ideas/

Remember you can follow the tour on Facebook on the event page. You'll find all the tour stops and some extra tips and information. You can also find the tour schedule on my website.


  1. All my kids have had big falls that meant hospital visits when they were little, except for the one who sat on a cactus instead. (Fortunately, tiny spines meant we could take care of it ourselves.) Kids are an adventure. give them kisses for me and if we're back before they outgrow it, we'll play bowling with action figures again.

    1. They'll be happy to play with you again Karina. They had such fun last time.

      Yes, kids are definitely an adventure. Especially my youngest. When I think about, it's a miracle we haven't ended up in the hospital before now. He's always jumping and running around or climbing on things. The boy knows no fear! I hope our experience last weekend will never be repeated though. There I was worried about the cut on his chin and the poor boy had shaken up his brain. Just goes to show how careful you need to be when they hit any part of their head. Apparently the chin is one of the worst points to hit as it can cause damage to the jaw and teeth, neck and spine, and shakes the brain.

      Sitting on a cactus? That doesn't sound good.
