Booktastic Link It Up Thursday #3 | Jo Linsdell

Booktastic Link It Up Thursday #3

Booktastic Link It Up Thursday #3

Welcome back for another Booktastic Link It Up Thursday! I hope you're all having a good week. 

A few guidelines:

Please link up any posts you have, past or present, about books, reading, and literacy. This link party is all about sharing about books. Joining in is easy; just click “Add your link…” and copy/paste the URL of a blog post (not your homepage). Blog posts ONLY please. Other types of links will be deleted. 

Follow me on any social media of your choice (I'm JoLinsdell everywhere). Of course, I would love it if you subscribed to my newest posts ;)

If you would be kind to post a link back somewhere on your post or blog.

Why join the link up?

Linking up to parties and leaving comments on other posts is a proven way to increase traffic to your blog and grow your blog’s followers! 

Please grab the Booktastic Link It Up Thursday button and share it somewhere on your blog (sidebar, post, bottom, etc.) and please share about this party with any book-lovers you know.

 Come and join in Booktastic Link It Up Thursday at (hosted by @jolinsdell) #LinkUp #Books #BookBloggers

Let's grow this party!

Click to tweet:

Everyone works hard on their posts and loves visits/comments/pins from others. Please visit AND comment on at least one other linked post if not more.

Now on to the party!


  1. Hi gang! Just shared my first link! How exciting! Thanks Jo.

    1. Yay! Welcome on board. Linky takes place every Thursday đŸ˜‰

  2. This looks like a fun post.

    1. Feel free to link up on of your bookish blog posts in the linky in the post :)

  3. Great post. I'll see about joining in the future. X

    1. You can add any bookish blog post, new or old.

  4. shared my link but don't know why it is so big!?! Sorry!

  5. This is amazing that you r are doing this. I'm checking out the sites now.

    1. Every Thursday ;) Feel free to add your own link to the linky too. Can be a new one or an older one you want to drive more traffic to.
