BYOBthon Update: Progress Report for Week 2 | Jo Linsdell

BYOBthon Update: Progress Report for Week 2

BYOBthon Update Progress Report for Week 2

BYOBthon Update

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I did well during the first week of the readathon (you can find my progress report for week 1 here in case you missed it). Unfortunately my reading pace slowed down in week 2. 

Week 2 Progress

The second week wasn't as productive as the first was. Life just didn't leave me as much time to read. Sports training, various appointments, paperwork... 24 hours a day is just not enough. I did finally get some reading done over the weekend though.

Dark Rivers of the Heart by Dean Koontz. 

I'm going slow with this one. It is starting to pick up though. 

I'm still having trouble getting my head around the character of Spencer Grant and his strange obsession for Valerie. Turns out that's not the only thing weird about him though. Rocky, the dog, is awesome though. 

I do like the character of Roy Miro. He likes Winnie the Pooh which made me warm to him...despite him being a killer. He also comes across as one of those, as I call them, "grey villains". He has his own logic for doing what he does, and tries to be a good person... but kills people.

Fade to Black by David Rosenfelt. 

I finished it! Yeah! Murder victims, memory loss, drug dealers, mafia... this book has it all. It wasn't the most amazing book but it was still worth the read. It also gets me another head on my Hydra. I'll do a full review soon.

#BYOBthon Update: Progress Report for Week 2

I didn't have much time to work on this so it's still very rough, but feels good to add another head.

The Perfect Friend by Barbara Copperthwaite 

Yep, I added a new book to my TBR. As I'm going slow with Dark Rivers of the Heart I decided to start a different book. I got a kindle copy of this via Net Galley and so far I'm enjoying it.

#BYOBthon Update: Progress Report for Week 2
About the book:

She’ll do anything for you…

My name is Alex, and my world has been shattered.
My husband has left me.
My children won’t speak to me.
My friend Carrie is the only person I have.
She’s the only one I can trust to keep all my secrets. 
She’d never do anything to let me down. 
Would she? 

This dark, gripping psychological thriller will have you holding your breath until the very last page. Fans of Behind Closed DoorsSometimes I Lie, and The Girl on the Train will be captivated. 

What have you been reading this week? Are you doing BYOBthon?


  1. I can't wait to chart your progress! That A Perfect Friend though! That looks like my kind of...kind of. LOL!
    If that is, I can get through the mountains of review books I have!
    Oh well...
    Back to the pile!
    Send Search and Rescue if you don't hear from me! LOL!

  2. The Perfect Friend looks really good. You are making steady progress o your BYOBthon.

    1. Thanks. So far I'm really enjoying the Perfect Friend. Just wish I had more time to read.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. Dark Rivers of the Heart was slowing me down but since putting it on temporary hold, and starting the Perfect Friend, I'm doing much better again.

  4. Progress is still good! Hopefully next week with be better for you! :)

    1. Thanks. Fingers crossed. This month has turned out to be even busier than I thought it would be.

  5. Love to see your review on Koontz

    1. I'm a fan of Dean Koontz but struggling a bit to get into this one. Hoping it improves.

  6. Replies
    1. You actually just reminded me that I've been slacking this week with filming my daily vlog segment for this readathon. Thanks sweetie. My readathon recap video is going to have a few jumps in it. From day 11 to day 16 is a second đŸ¤£đŸ˜± I really need to get more organised.

  7. I have not read any of these books but Perfect Friend sounds good. And love that hydra of yours!

    1. Thanks. Having fun with this Hydra. Still a lot of work to do on it though.... and I need to read more so I can add more heads. So far I'm really enjoying the Perfect Friend.

  8. I really love David Rosenfelt's novels! I have to check this one out!

    1. I'd definitely try out more of his books after reading this one.

  9. I haven't read the Dean Kontez one so I have to check it out. I read a bit of everything this week but I need a good mystery/thriller

    1. My favourite genre is mystery/thriller :) Especially psychological thrillers. I do enjoy cosy mysteries too though. My favourite novels by Dean Koontz are probably One Door Away From Heaven, Fear Nothing, and Tick Tock. Odd Thomas is good too. Dark Rivers of the Heart is going slow for now.

  10. Great post and great list of book I absolutely love mystery thriller books as well, good luck on you BYOBthon reading challenge. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    1. Thanks Katiria. I love mysteries, crime, and thrillers. My favourite genre.
