Free Reads Every Day!
I'll be visiting Amazon each day and selecting a book at random from their free list. I'm not even sure which books I'll be featuring yet so it'll be a surprise for me too.
Book Advent Calendar Day 21
About the book:
Painter Mann is a one-of-a-kind private investigator. He may even be the world's best, but mainly that's because he's dead.
Assisted by his "Temps"-- a select few of the very old who are so close to death they can actually hear him-- Painter has sworn to help the murder victims stuck in The InBetween by revealing their killers so they can move on.
But, a new mass murder case threatens everything after Painter recognizes the killer's face as the person who murdered him.
Exposing them will free dozens of ghosts but will also clear Painter, leaving no one to help the souls trapped in The InBetween.
Also, he's really into the whole private investigator thing. When alive he was never really good at much. Dead? He's a hell of a PI.
Is Painter willing to risk it all to save those he's sworn to help?
I love the idea of this book. Can't wait to read it.
Check back tomorrow for another free read!