A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome | Jo Linsdell

A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome


A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome


A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome

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Looking for a relaxing place to visit in Rome with beautiful views? Love flowers? I've got just the place for you! 

The Rose Garden of Rome (il Roseto di Roma) isn't open all year round but if you happen to get the chance to visit this unique garden you'll not only get to admire over 1,100 varieties of roses from all over the world, you'll also get the amazing backdrop of Circo Massimo and the Terme di Caracalla in the background too.

The Rose Garden is currently open from 7th-22nd October 2023 and so I decided to go and check it out. 

The Rose Garden is home to approximately 1,100 varieties of ancient and modern botanical roses from all over the world. The cultivated specimens come from all over the world: from the Far East to South Africa, from Old Europe to New Zealand, passing through the Americas. There are primordial species, or botanical roses, which date back 40 million years ago, very valuable and little known, living together with the "ancient roses", all of great originality and beauty. The Rose Garden hosts the  Premio Roma International Competition, reserved for the most beautiful new varieties of roses and takes place every year in May. The event opens the international season of events dedicated to the cultivation of this flower and is an event of great importance in the botanical field. - Comune di Roma

Located on the slopes of the Aventine, opposite the remains of the Palatine, just above the Circus Maximus, since 3rd century BC, the area of the Rose Gardens has been dedicated to flowers, vineyards and vegetable gardens. 

In 1645 it became a Jewish Garden with the small community cemetery attached. 

In 1950 it became the site of the new municipal rose garden. The ancient one, which was located on the Oppio hill, was destroyed in the Second World War.

Every year, on the third Saturday of May, the Rose Garden hosts The "Premio Roma" competition. Established in 1933, it elects the best new varieties of roses.

A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome


Opening hours It is open to visits (on autumn opening days) from 8.30 am to 6.00 pm.

Address: Via di Valle Murcia n. 6 - 00153 Rome.

Cost: Free entrance

A Guide to The Rose Garden of Rome

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