The Writers and Authors project is growing and lots of new features will be introduced over the next couple of months. The first of which is the launch of Writers and Authors TV on 1st September.
This is a snap shoot of the YouTube Channel for W&A TV |
I've started setting up the YouTube channel so that everything is ready for the official launch on 1st September. I've already added a playlist for book video trailers to showcase the works of members from the Writers and Authors community and will continue to update it.
The schedule for the channel will be one full length show a month (1st of every month) which will be about 15 minutes in length and include a guest who will talk briefly about their book and offer some advice related to their writing genre, a feature piece packed will tips and advice and recent news from the writing industry.
There will also be another playlist for "Quick tips" which is exactly what the title indicates it is. Each episode will last about 1 minute and offer a quick tip related to writing, editing, publishing, book marketing etc... Quick Tips will be uploaded several times each week.
I hope that the channel will become a valuable resource and active part of the Writers and Authors project.
To be sure that you don't miss out on any video's added to the channel click on the subscribe button at the top of the page.
I hope you will enjoy the video's and find them useful. Please feel free to click the 'like' button and post comments or video responses to any video's posted and of course, share them on your sites ;)
I'm very honoured to be the first ever to get the Inspiring The Writers Of Tomorrow Blog Award "for being an exemplary place for other writers to visit for how to advice, inspiration, and/or help with their craft. Thank you for your service to the reading and writing world and all your fellow writers and authors!"
As per the rules I'm now nominating the following site for this award:
This is a fantastic site run by Author Karen Cioffi and includes a huge amount of valuable information, tips and advice for both new writers and accomplished authors as well as offering a platform to help authors promote themselves and their books.
And to Max out my Karma Points...
5 little known facts about me:
- I came to Rome (Italy) for 3 days back in 2001 and ended up staying.
- I'm a complete chocoholic.
- I'm a full-time mummy to my 2 lovely sons, Matteo (4 yrs) and Lorenzo (1 yr).
- I've been a huge Winnie the Pooh fan since I was little.
- I'm celiac.
5 tips for other writers:
- Set goals. They help keep you focussed.
- Get excited about your writing and marketing. It'll carry across in your work.
- Take risks. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. You might just find that you're well suited to it and gain some new fans.
- When marketing try not to go in for the hard sell. Instead offer a benefit or useful information that in some way connects to your book.
- Don't under value yourself.
And finally a big thank to Virginia Jennings for nominating me for this award.
Today's post is part of my virtual tour for Out and About at the Zoo and so I wanted to do something a bit different. As I'm often sent questions from people wanting to know more about me and my work I've put together this video where I answer some of the most frequently asked questions.
If you have your own questions for me that aren't covered in the video please drop them in the comments section and I'll be happy to answer them for you.
And remember you can get your copy of Out and About at the Zoo fromAmazon :)
When life gets in the way
It's been a tough week. A combination of stress, no sleep and being ill resulted in me getting 3 mouth ulcers all in my inside lower lip. Those of you that have suffered from mouth ulcers will appreciate how 'not fun' the past week has been for me. Unfortunately they run in my family and as I'm also intolerant to gluten I'm even more at risk of getting them. Anyway, the worst seems to be over now and so hopefully I'll be back to my usual self again soon.
I'm now in the third month of my virtual tour for 'Out and about at the Zoo' and everything is going well despite the bad timing of getting ill... then again is there a good time for such things? Sometimes life just gets in the way of our plans and we have to deal with it I guess.
At the beginning of the last week I was starting to feel run down and so on sight of the first ulcer promptly programmed as many blog posts and Twitter updates as possible. This has helped to give me keep up my online presence whilst I've been taking time off for some much needed rest.
I usually try to program my blogs as much in advance as possible anyway and this is just one of the reasons why. Life sometimes throws stuff at you. By having at least the most part already there and ready for automatic publishing I have peace of mind and don't have to get in a panic about how I'm going to do everything when I simply can't. For Twitter I use It's simple and easy to use and most importantly is reliable.
Whilst I've been offline I've been doing some thinking about my various projects and having a bit of a mental regroup and look at my goals. I've come to the conclusion that I need a digital declutter. I've started by leaving some of the Facebook groups I was part of. There's no point in being part of a group if you're not an active member. This will hopefully also cut out some of the emails clogging up my inboxes too.
I've also taken a look at my current works in progress and decided to concentrate on getting the illustrations for my children's picture book 'Fairy May' finished. I'm also working on the html for the new site and putting together the details for the new features that I plan to launch before the end of the year (including online courses and virtual book tours). The other project I'd like to get finished by the end of this year is the first draft of my novel 'Twice'.
Obviously all these plans will depend on life not getting in the way too much ;)
Grab your FREE kindle copy of Out and About at the Zoo from This special offer is valid for TODAY ONLY so download now.
Once you've downloaded your free copy, please take a few seconds to click the little 'like' button near the book title at the top of the page and post a review with a few lines of what you thought of it.
Thanks and I hope you enjoy the book :)