Book Blogger Posts Round Up
A collection of blog posts by book bloggers
Looking for new bookish content to read? Want to discover some new book bloggers to follow? Look no further!
I introduced this new feature here on the blog in May to showcase blog posts by other book bloggers. I'll be linking up a variety of blog posts so hopefully there will be something to suit all tastes.
The following posts were submitted for inclusion in this round up via my Twitter, where I asked for posts. I'll be continuing to do this every month.
Because I like reading blog posts by other book bloggers and thought you might too. Finding the time to scan through various social media feeds to find suitable content can take up valuable time though and so I figured I'd make it easier and put together a collection here on the blog.
My plan is to include a wide variety of content so there's something for everyone. You'll find book reviews, interviews, discussion pieces and more...
Want to be included in future round ups? Follow my Twitter profile and keep an eye out for the submission tweet.
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August 2021 Book Blogger Round Up
@LaurenatRead's The Book was better in my opinion post is all about books that she thought were better than the movie or tv adaption we got.
@See_Sadie was pleasantly surprised by Wild Rising, by K. Panikian In fact, if it was available yet, she probably would have continued right into it, when she finished Wild Rising.
@alitescape read A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas, gave it 4 out of 5 stars and enjoyed all of the themes of this book.
Not My Problem by Ciara Smyth was reviewed by @readandreviewit who thought it’s safe to say that Not My Problem was very different from other contemporaries she has read this year. There was just something about it which made it stand out from other books in the genre, and she really enjoyed reading it – and could barely put it down once she started! It’s definitely one of her favourite reads of the year so far.
@SueBavey reviewed Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar and stated "The quality of this unputdownable debut novel is astounding and puts Krystle Matar on the list of people whose books I will be automatically on the lookout for."
@philip_simons16 reviewed Foxes Unearthed: A Story of Love and Loathing in Modern Britain by Lucy Jones and thinks that Lucy Jones writes beautifully and honestly on the subject.
The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth was reviewed by @ReadingLadiesBC who recommends it for readers who love a (mild) psychological, domestic thriller (that isn’t scary or nightmare-inducing), for those who love unreliable narrators, and for book clubs.
@NatterBlog reviewed Only About Love by Debbi Voisey who stated "A short book, but nevertheless profound in its observation of love in its many forms and whilst ultimately very sad, it did have a lighter side in places with humour and fondness. I loved it and highly recommend this book for its honesty and insight – the title says it all."
Patience by Victoria Scott was read by @storywhispers who said "Patience is a book that is not only thought-provoking, engrossing, engaging, and heart-warming, it is also a book that makes you feel happy and content throughout. Seeing the world from Patience’s point of view really opens your eyes to not only how disabled people are treated but how they view the world around them and appreciated even the smallest things in life."
@bitchbookshelf was blown away by Verity by Colleen Hoover. In her review she stated that "Verity is creepy, disturbing, and gripping".
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim was reviewed by @FinithaJose who stated "Being a fan of fairytale retellings, the ending was something that I anticipated. It didn't spoil anything though; rather it was quite gratifying to see that somewhat tragic ending. Bitter yes, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
@BiblioNerdRflxn read She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan and thought "This book was an absolute masterpiece. I was hooked from the very first chapter and didn’t want it to end."
What bookish blog posts did you enjoy reading in August? Have a favourite book you read in August that you want to share?
In case you missed it, don't forget to check out the July Round Up for even more great bookish posts by different book bloggers.