My thoughts about How to Blog a Book by Nina Amir
I had the pleasure of reading How to Blog a Book by Nina Amir as part of her virtual book tour hosted by i read books tours. I was given a free copy in exchange for my honest review and I can honestly say this book fully deserves 5 stars. So much information in one book!
So whether you want to know more about blogging a book, blogging, writing a book, or even want some tips for SEO, this book can help. A gold mine of information!
You can grab your copy here:
Today marks the start of the virtual book tour for the print version of How to be Twittertastic.
I'm hosted on the site of author Skye Hegyes for a guest post about being a self publisher. In the post I share some of the pro's and con's of choosing the self publishing route.
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Firstly apologies for my recent lack of posting. This time of year is a whirl of events, parent meetings, school shows, swimming lessons and more. My head spins just thinking about it all! I promise I will try to get my act together and post here on the blog more regularly.
And now on to today's topic...
As you may know, I started my newsletter back up again this month. It was something I had been planning on doing and, inspired by discussions during this years Promo Day event in May, I finally decided it was time.
I'm not a fan of over-emailing. I hate it when I get too many updates sent to my inbox. I already get serious amounts of email so it quickly gets annoying to get multiple newsletters from the same person all in the same week. With this in mind I decided that once a month would be enough and so my newsletter will be sent out on the 1st of every month.
Whilst I will be using the newsletter to let you all know about my new releases and works in progress I want it to be more than just about me. I want it to offer value because... well... I want you to read it. The author newsletters I subscribe to all offer more than just "about the author news". They offer tips, quotes, or useful links. That's the kind of newsletter I want to offer my readers. I want you to be happy to see it pop up in your inbox. That said, I'm still trying to find a good content plan which is why I need your help. What would you like to see in the newsletter?
Let me know what sort of thing you'd like to see in the newsletter in the comments section below.