Interview with Megan from Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest | Jo Linsdell

Interview with Megan from Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

Interview with Megan from Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest #BookBlogger

I have a special guest for you today, in what will be the first post in a new series I'm doing here on the blog to showcase my fellow book bloggers. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Megan from Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest.

Introduce yourself. Who are you? Where are you from? and Where do you blog?
Hi, I’m Megan. I’m a 30-something mother of two little balls of energy. I live in Minnesota with my husband, children, and a golden retriever. As for where I blog – I first started on just my laptop. Now, I make graphics on my phone, plot out my posts and take notes on pieces of paper, and write my actual posts on my desktop with dual monitors. I guess that’s what happens when you’re married to an IT guy 😉

Why and how do you blog? What made you start?
Why? Because, when I was in high school, I wanted nothing more than to be a journalist. I, however, saw things a bit differently as time went on and I began to notice that a journalist makes their living by exploiting a person’s worst day of their life. Not always quite that dramatic. So, I started blogging.
How do I blog? Mostly by the seat of my pants 😉

How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging, off and on, since about 2010. I’ve gone from food blogs to devotional, back to food, and finally landing in the book niche. I’ve had three book blogs so far, counting the Ginger Mom.

What advice do you wish you'd had when you started?
WordPress, not Blogger. And don’t be afraid to put a little money into your blog and believe that you can make something of it. It may sound silly but if it’s something you really want to do, you can!

How much time do you devote to blogging each day/week/month?
Oh my gosh, way more time than I should be! In all seriousness, it does consume the majority of my time. I listen to audiobooks on my way to work, read books on my breaks, talk to my co-workers (and annoy the crud out of them!) about books, make graphics on my phone while we’re watching movies at home, and then of course there is the actually time spent blogging. But, after all, I am trying to build a brand 😊

Interview with Megan from Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest #BookBlogger

How often do you post to your blog?
In June, I think I posted almost every day, many days more than once. In July, I’m going to focus on cutting it back and posting 3 or 4 times a week.

What motivates you to keep blogging about books?
My mom. As my co-blogger, she is my biggest motivator. We’re always talking about what we’re reading now and what type of posts we want to do next. It’s a lot of fun!

Is there something you wish authors knew about your blog or blogging?
I guess the only thing I wish is that more authors and publishers read review policies before contacting bloggers. I have authors and publishers offering me books that are so far out of my genres, and automatically sending me formats that I don’t accept. It would just be a courtesy.

What's your most popular blog post?
It’s not so much a post as a page. We have had an extreme response to our 2018 AtoZ Reading Challenge. So many amazing bloggers have signed up to participate and link up their reviews. It’s really amazing the sense of community we have gotten, just by creating this reading challenge. ( 😊

Do you write reviews for every book you read?
It’s more like I only have the chance to read books I need to write a review for. It’s one of the reasons why I am taking a bit of a break from blog tours and not accepting new review copies until September 1.

How many book reviews do you normally do a week?
It depends on if there are tours coming up. Normally, we do a KidLit review on Tuesday (for #ChildrensBookTuesday), and then an adult / YA review a different day. Sometimes we’ll squeeze a third one in, but not too often.

What genres are your favourites?
Romance, absolutely! But, I also love dystopian. I have also, very recently, gotten a bit addicted to the GameLit (or LitRPG) genre. 😉

What are you currently reading and why did you choose to read it?
The Engagement Rate by Annie Dyer. It was offered to me in exchange for a review and it is a perfect fit for me. I am really enjoying it so far.

Do you have any plans for your blog in the future?
Absolutely! Up, up, and up!

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog today ❤

    1. My pleasure Megan. Any time. I love your blog.

  2. I loved this! Can't wait to see more!

    1. Thanks Amy. Glad you liked it. I'll be posting more interviews with book bloggers soon.

  3. I adore Ginger Mom, such fun and so colorful!

    1. Agreed. One of my favourite book blogs too.

  4. Can't wait to see more, I love finding out more about the blogger.

    1. Great! glad you enjoyed the post. I'll be doing more interviews with book bloggers over the coming weeks so check back on Wednesday's to get to know more book bloggers and their blogs.

  5. Such a fun interview! I loved learning more about her. :)

    1. Thanks Heidi. Megan is awesome and I love the Ginger Moms blog.

  6. Yay, I love when I get the chance to learn a bit about other bloggers!

    1. More interviews with book bloggers coming soon ;)

  7. Great interview. Agree about authors reading review policies. So many don't bother, and so many just send out the same email to tens of bloggers hoping one will say yes.

    1. Unfortunately we're all playing the numbers game, and so mass emails are an easy solution when you're low on time. I agree though that authors should always read the review policy before contacting a book blogger. Also, whilst the emails authors send out will for the most part contain the same information it's always a good idea to research the site you're pitching and personalise your email. I know what it's like from both sides.

  8. Interesting interview! Agree, blogging can take up a lot of time. Kim

    1. Blogging takes up LOADS of time. It's a labour of love. A lot of the time you get out what you put into it though.

  9. Great interview I absolutely love getting to know a little bit more about book bloggers. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    1. Thanks. Will be posting more interviews with book bloggers soon.
