Book Mail Unboxing | Jo Linsdell

Book Mail Unboxing

Book Mail Unboxing #BookBlogger #Booktuber

I got book mail! 

Today I'm sharing with you my unboxing of some book mail I received this week. 

One is a book, and the other is book related...

Watch the video for the unboxing


A huge thanks to Nikki at Saturday Nite Reader, and to Petrina Banfield and Harper Collins Publishers for these awesome bookish packages. 


  1. It's like a birthday present when I get a book! ;)

    1. Same. It's like birthday/Christmas come early 😊

  2. I have signed up for a couple of book crates so that I get surprise books in the post. Letters From Alice sounds like a book that I would read even though I don't generally read historical fiction. I love seeing how far Nikki's bookmarks are going around the world. SNR is a fabulous blog. Brilliant post, enjoy Letters From Alice. :)

    1. I the SNR blog. One of my favourites.
      One day, (when I have more money ;)) I'll sign up for some subscription boxes. I love the idea of getting surprise books and swag in the post. For now I'm happy with my review copies though. I'm looking forward to reading Letters from Alice.

  3. Book mail is the best mail!

  4. I feel so famous!! Plus, my bookmark has been to more cool places than me that I am slightly jealous 😉

    Thank you for the shout-out! XO

    1. You are famous girly! I guess this just means you need to come over to Rome now too ;)

  5. I love book mail. My kids say it's like I get presents every day and I'm on first name terms with the postman as he has to knock on so often with the parcels.

    1. Book mail is like getting presents everyday. I don't get that many parcels in the post as I do a lot of digital reviews (not everyone wants to post to Italy). I love it when I do get book mail though. I'm had some authors put in some great personal touches in the past too.

  6. Ohh yay book mail I absolutely love when I get book mail as well, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post Jo.

    1. Thanks Katiria. I love book mail. Best kind of post :)
