2020 Reading Challenge: A To Z Reading Challenge | Jo Linsdell

2020 Reading Challenge: A To Z Reading Challenge

2020 Reading Challenge: A To Z Reading Challenge #AtoZReadingChallenge #AtoZChallenge2020

2020 Reading Challenges

I've decided to take part in a few reading challenges this year, and will be posting about each of them individually to give you all the details.

I've already covered Armed With A Bingo, and Audiobook Challenge 2020.

The A to Z Reading Challenge

I've attempted this challenge in the past (and failed) but this year there's AtoZopoly! This only was enough to convince me to give it a try. I LOVE Monopoly!

There's also monthly mini challenges throughout the year.

JANUARY – A book you didn’t read from your 2019 TBRFEBRUARY – A book under 200 pagesMARCH – A book set in a different seasonAPRIL – A book set in the future / pastMAY – A debutJUNE – A book with a one-word titleJULY – A retellingAUGUST – A book written by a femaleSEPTEMBER – A book about a book clubOCTOBER – A book about mental illnessNOVEMBER – An “own voices” bookDECEMBER – A book by a new-to-you author

2020 Reading Challenge: A To Z Reading Challenge #AtoZReadingChallenge #AtoZChallenge2020

The A to Z Reading Challenge is organised by my book blogging buddies Megan and Crystal from Ginger Mom and Company.

2020 Reading Challenge: A To Z Reading Challenge #AtoZReadingChallenge #AtoZChallenge2020

Are you taking part in the A To Z Reading Challenge, or another reading challenge in 2020?


  1. I'm with you on the A to Z but will admit I'm terrible about following through - I seem to forget all too easily

  2. This sounds like a fun and doable challenge. I might try it myself, keep me up-to-date how it works out for you :)

  3. Good luck on this challenge!

  4. I love this challenge and I look forward to exchanging book recs with you.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  5. This looks like a great challenge

  6. Good luck with the challenge, it looks really good. Unfortunately I don't take part in challenges as I never have time to read my own choices with all the arcs I have.

  7. Great post and good luck on your reading challenge, thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

  8. Hope it goes well. I got AtoZopoly as well.
