Misconceptions People May Have About Book Blogging | Jo Linsdell

Misconceptions People May Have About Book Blogging


Misconceptions People May Have About Book Blogging

Question of the Day

Questions and Answers About Book Blogging

I recently started a new series of posts on my Twitter asking a question of the day. The idea behind it is to get chatting more about book blogging and everything involved with being a book blogger. 

I'll be showcasing answers to the questions in a series of blog posts here on www.JoLinsdell.com so we can develop the conversation even more and go into more detail.

For this post we're looking into myths about book blogging.

Myths about book blogging

ARCs and New Releases

One common misconception about book blogging is that you have to review ARCs and new releases in order to have a following and high stats. That is definitely not the case. Some of my highest viewed reviews have been for books that have been around for years. 

Need to review books

In order to be a book blogger you need to post about books. Blog posts aren't limited to book reviews though. Book bloggers also post a wide variety of other content types like author interviews, round up posts, lists, and more... If the posts are connected to books and reading then it's still a book blog. 

Owning a lot of books

That you need to own huge amounts of books to be able to consider yourself a book blogger. Not everyone has the budget to be able to afford to buy large amounts of books and that's OK because book blogging isn't about who bought the most books. It's about spreading the love of reading. The books you review can be purchased, review copies, borrowed from the library or other bookworm friends, or ebooks downloaded on free days from Amazon or other online bookstores. 

What are some misconceptions people may have about book blogging?

What the Book Blogging Community had to say:

That it is a way to get free books! Yep, you do, but not as many as you'd like to think! @FantasyBookNerd

We get paid for reviews or reviews aren't honest if the book was gifted/for a tour. @cats_herding

We make money out of it


Some have affiliate links but not all
I get nothing and the actual books and website and time costs a fair bit.

that it's easy and hardly takes any time at all! @redhead5318

I second Andrea’s response - it’s easy and takes little time.

What are some of the misconceptions you think people have about book blogging? What do you think are some book blogging myths that should be debunked? Join in the discussion in the comments section. 

Misconceptions People May Have About Book Blogging

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  1. I've definitely heard these before. As a book blogger, I've actually shrunk my personal library. Great discussion!
