2023 Challenges: November Wrap Up | Jo Linsdell

2023 Challenges: November Wrap Up


2023 Challenges November Wrap Up


2023 Challenges: November Update

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November was not a good month. I caught flu which turned into bronchitis, which then caused havoc with my chronic asthma. I spent most of the month struggling to breathe. Not fun. 

Anyway, injections, pills of various types, aerosol, and other meds all had me pretty out of it. From odd side effects like not being able to feel my face, to just being totally exhausted from doing even the smallest of things needless to say November was not a good month. 

I definitely got my money's worth out of my Netflix subscription this month! Naps and Netflix is a good way to sum up my month. 


As expected given the amount of time I had to take off this month, traffic in November was less than usual. With minimal posting and hardly any promoting during the month it wasn't a surprise. 

Traffic for November: 20,787 pageviews

Total number of blog posts published in November: 11

This month has been a good reminder to schedule more posts in advance. This is something I plan to improve on in the new year. My goal is to schedule the majority of my blog posts a month in advance where possible. 

I also plan to schedule promotional social media posts for all blog posts in advance too. 

Do you schedule blog posts/social media in advance? If yes, how far in advance?

Reading Challenges

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge a few years ago as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

Join in with the Clock Reading Challenge 2023 and create your own clock for 2023. If you need some help finding books for the challenge check out Books with Numbers 1-12 in the Title: Clock Reading Challenge.

I finished the challenge! At least this is one good thing from November. I completed my clock. 

The Clock Reading Challenge 2023

Books read this month:

9 Nine Lives by Tom Barber - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads 

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

I didn't make any progress on my Net Galley TBR this month. 
Current feedback ratio: 86%

Other books read:

Mousse and Mayhem by Sue Hollowell - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads 

Stuck with Santa by Audrey Carnes - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads 

The Secret Diary of Helen Blackstone by Michele Pariza Wacek - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads 

Just Her Luck by M.J. Padgett - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads 

The Christmas of 1943 by Alex Amit - My ReviewAmazon - Goodreads


I was on bed rest for most of the month but we did go to some fishing lakes near the beach at Trovaianica one Sunday. The goal was to get some quality fresh air in my lungs and spend some time in nature. It was perfect. I could feel the difference in air quality the second I stepped out of the car. 

A stroll around the lakes with our dog followed by lunch at the restaurant there. The food was so good! The views were beautiful too. Just what the doctor ordered!

fishing lakes near the beach at Trovaianica


I think it's pretty obvious at this point that November was not a good health month for me. My goal for the month became just to breathe. 

I am more determined than ever to improve my health now. I want to be able to do all the things I want to do and to do that I need to be in better shape. 

I'm working on a new plan to help cope with my chronic asthma and hopefully will get it under control again soon. 

As my asthma is strongly connected to the fact that I'm allergic to pretty much everything I'm also working on ways to improve my lifestyle in general. 

In the interest of reducing dust and other triggers from our home in general I'm looking into decluttering and a more minimalist lifestyle. Less things makes it easier to clean đŸ˜‰. I'm definitely going to be setting some big goals for the new year in regards to decluttering. It's crazy how much stuff we accumulate over time but never really use. If anyone has any tips related to decluttering and minimalism please let me know down in the comments. 

2023 Challenges November Wrap Up

How did you do with your November Challenges? What challenges are you doing this year? Have you read any of these books? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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