The Clock Reading Challenge 2023 | Jo Linsdell

The Clock Reading Challenge 2023

The Clock Reading Challenge 2023


The Clock Reading Challenge 2023

Making time to read more

I started the Clock Reading Challenge in 2021 and have enjoyed doing these past two years and so have decided to bring it back for a third year running.

This is a relatively easy reading challenge compared to a lot of others I've seen as it only involves reading a total of 12 books during the year. 

That said, some numbers can be harder to find books for than others...

Don't worry though I'll be doing a blog post with books you might want to try for each number to help inspire you. 

The Challenge

The goal: to read 12 books, each with a number from 1 to 12 in the title.

The officially hashtag for the event: #ClockReadingChallenge

Keeping track of your progress: I've created this graphic so you can fill in your clock with the book covers of the books you read. Hopefully at the end of the year your clock will be complete. 

The Clock Reading Challenge 2023 progress tracker

12 books in 12 months, each with a number from one to twelve in the title to make up a clock face.

This is a very relaxed reading challenge. There is no punishment for not reading all 12 books. 

Skip a month? No problem. The goal is 12 books in 12 months so you have plenty of time to catch up latter on if needed. 

If you'd like to plan out the books you want to read for the challenge in advance here's a template you can use for your TBR:

Clock Reading Challenge 2023 TBR

Want to join me? To sign up just post a comment below to let me know you'll be joining in with the challenge. 

The Clock Reading Challenge 2023

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  1. Great idea. I'll join the Clock Challenge

    1. Great! Looking forward to seeing what books you read 😊

  2. I'm going to try it again this year! :-)

    1. Great! Looking forward to seeing what books you pick.

  3. Replies
    1. Awesome. Good luck and happy reading! 📚😊
