How To Be True To Yourself | Jo Linsdell

How To Be True To Yourself

How To Be True To Yourself

Lifestyle: How To Be True To Yourself 

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If you’re tired of all the expectations, opinions, and norms that society tries to place on you all the time, you won’t be alone, but if you want to do something about it and try to be yourself, that’s where things start to get tricky. It’s great to know that you need to make some changes and start living your life for yourself, but how can you get started? What can you do? 

The thing to remember is that the best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to be yourself, so no matter how hard it might be, it’s worth it in the end. So with that in mind, here are some things you can do that will help you be true to yourself - read on to find out more. 

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Embrace Your Unique Qualities 

A lot of the time, the unique qualities you have - and everyone has unique qualities, don’t forget, it’s what makes us human and makes us special - might feel like a burden. You’ll wish you didn’t do this or have that trait, or you’ll see someone else and be envious, wishing you could be more like that. 

That way of thinking isn’t very helpful - it will make you sad, cause you to think you’re not good enough, perhaps even end up causing depression, and it’s really not even a big deal. As we said, everyone’s different, and if you can embrace your unique qualities rather than trying to pretend they don’t exist or wishing them away, you’ll be your true self and a lot happier because of it. 

Set Boundaries 

Being true to yourself also involves setting boundaries, so working out how to do that is well worth spending some time on. Boundaries protect your wellbeing, keep you happy and focused, and ensure that other people don’t take too much from you; they’ll respect your needs much more if there are boundaries in place and they know about them. 

The first step when it comes to setting boundaries in your life so you can be yourself is to work out where and when you end up in situations that drain you and leave you without any energy. It’s these that are overstepping the mark, so you’ll need to let everyone know what your limits are so they know when to step back and leave you alone. It’s going to be a challenge to set boundaries at first, but when you realize how well it’s working, you’ll know you’ve done the right thing. 

Choose The Right Career

A lot of people go into a career because their parents expected it or a teacher suggested it, or they fall into it by accident because they needed their first job and they just stuck with it over the years. It might be that this worked out well for you, and you’re able to be your true self when you’re working, but then again, it might be that you’re unhappy and you can’t really be true to yourself when you’re working in a career you dislike or even hate. 

It’s never too late to start a new career, even if means going back to school and getting new qualifications. In fact, you could even start your own business - yes, there will be a lot to learn, from marketing to finances to why custom printing is a good idea, but if it means you can be happy and be yourself, then it’s definitely the right move to make.

How To Be True To Yourself