Book Review: Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley | Jo Linsdell

Book Review: Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley


Book Review Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley


My thoughts about Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley

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Disclosure: I got sent a free copy of this book by the publisher via Net Galley.

About the Book

The book synopsis for Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley

Three Eight One by Aliya Whiteley book cover
An astonishing literary crossover novel about the pressures of growing up and the nature of authorship.

In January 2314, Rowena Savalas – a curator of the vast archive of the twenty-first century’s primitive internet – stumbles upon a story posted in the summer of 2024. She’s quickly drawn into the mystery of the Is it autobiography, fantasy or fraud? What’s the significance of the recurring number 381?

In the story, the protagonist Fairly walks the Horned Road – a quest undertaken by youngsters in her village when they come of age. She is followed by the 'Breathing Man', a looming presence, dogging her heels every step of the way. Everything she was taught about her world is overturned.

Following Fairly’s quest, Rowena comes to question her own choices, and a predictable life of curation becomes one of exploration, adventure and love. As both women’s stories draw to a close, she realises it doesn’t matter whether the story is true or as with the quest itself, it’s the journey that matters.

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