VBT Day 19: Interview, Feature, and TweetChat | Jo Linsdell

VBT Day 19: Interview, Feature, and TweetChat

Why have one stop when you can have three! 

Today my tour has taken me to http://www.maggiethom.com/ for an interview where we chat about my reading habits, favourite authors, and how I got started writing. You'll need to click on Blog- The Write To Read in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

Screenshot from MaggieThom.com
I was hosted at http://www.blog.kybunnies.com/virtual-book-tours-jolinsdell/ for a feature piece.

Screenshot from Bunny's Book Reviews
I'm also doing a live Twitter interview starting at 9:30pm CET where I'm going to be interviewed about virtual book tours by @1HazelNutt. To join in just use the hashtag #VBTChat or visit http://tweetchat.com/room/VBTChat. Hope to see you there.

In other news, Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home made it back into the best sellers lists again today. Thank you all for your continued support.

Screenshot from Amazon.com