VBT Day 48: Something a bit different | Jo Linsdell

VBT Day 48: Something a bit different

Today I'm hosted at http://lynnettesbookworld.blogspot.it/2013/10/jo-linsdell-reads-to-us-from-her.html. My guest post today is not directly about Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home. The main part of the post is a video where I read from my children's picture story book Fairy MayOff topic? Not exactly. 

You'll notice that the post mentions Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home in my bio and so it's more of a cross promotion. The piece came about because my host tends to post about fiction on this blog and loves to use video content. As I'm a multi genre author we decided this was a good way to kill more birds with the one stone. As Fairy May was also released this year it was nice to get a bit more exposure for that book too.

You'll have noticed from following this tour that stops don't need to always have their main focus on the book your touring (obviously this will depend on the goals you've set for your tour). Some stops can be like this one and allow cross promotion for various titles or be author spotlights where the focus is about you and building your author brand. In the end they all promote your book. Some just do it in a slightly less direct way 

Screenshot from Lynnette's Book World
I was happy to discover today that Virtual Book Tours: Effective Online Book Promotion From the Comfort of Your Own Home has been added to the "Indie Authors We Love" list at http://fabulositygalore.blogspot.it/p/indie-authors-we-love.html (page 9).