Featured Friday: Broken Heart by Martha Ramirez | Jo Linsdell

Featured Friday: Broken Heart by Martha Ramirez

Featured Friday

Broken Heart by Martha Ramirez

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About the book

Title: Broken Heart

Author: Martha Ramirez

ISBN: 978-1497464254

Featured Friday: Broken Heart by Martha Ramirez

Purchasing links:


Book blurb:

When seven-year-old Stephanie learns her twin, Julia, has a broken heart and the doctors have to mend it, she tries to make sense of things. Doing her best to stay strong, she helps Julia face her fears.
It's up to Stephanie to be Julia's biggest cheerleader. If she had only one wish, it'd be that doctors would fix Julia's heart and make it all better.
Will Stephanie get her heart's desire?

Author bio:

In addition to writing, Martha is a 2012 Genesis Semi-Finalist, a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), YALITCHAT.ORG, the Muse Conference Board, CataNetwork Writers, and American Author's Association. Her articles have appeared in various places including the Hot Moms Club and For Her Information (FHI) magazine.
She looks forward to expanding her career and is hard at work on her next novel. She currently resides in Northern California where she enjoys gardening and kickboxing (not simultaneously). Visit her website at: www.MartzBookz.com

Author website and blog:

Praise for
Broken Heart
"Martha Ramirez has crafted an engaging, thoughtful and instructive tale about a young girl going through heart surgery. Broken Heart is suitable for elementary school ages as not only an endearing story but also a good teaching tool for children undergoing hospitalization or surgery of any kind."
—Jordyn Redwood, pediatric ER nurse and author of the Bloodline Trilogy.
"Broken Heart is a delightful story that will help children with congenital heart problems, as well as their families, better cope with the process of heart surgery."
—Paula Lasky Price, PA-C, MPH
"Broken Heart written by Martha Ramirez is a positive story for children who are facing the experience of open heart surgery, whether it is they themselves or someone they love.  Martha expertly weaves important messages within the story eloquently conveying the importance of trusting in God, one’s parents, prayer and being supportive for other people."
—Rhonda Schwantes, RN. 
"Broken Heart is a touching story told through the perspective of Stefanie, a seven year old girl whose twin sister has a heart birth defect. It walks us through this scary process with the endearing innocence of a child. Broken Heart shows children that we might encounter frightening situations, but with family around us we can get through it."
                                                            —Paty Vieyra, 3rd grade teacher

Mini Interview:

Why did you write this book?
Broken Heart was inspired by my experience of open-heart surgery and having to stay strong and pray for the best. In 2013, I was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect we never knew I had.

Anything in particular you'd like to share about this book or its creation?
This book is dedicated in honor of a dear friend's daughter, Julia. Julia is the main character in Broken Heart. In real life, she too had to undergo open-heart surgery for a heart defect. Just like Julia, my heart defect was not discovered at birth. Unlike Julia, it was discovered many, many years later. It is also dedicated to those who are facing their own heart journeys. Stay heart strong. Always believe. 

What can we expect to see from you in the future?
I will be releasing the new Gonzo the Curious Cat children's picture book soon. It's totally revamped with new illustrations. Can't wait to share it with all of you! I hope to also get some of my young adult novels in print in the future as well.
Thank you so much for having me Jo. I greatly appreciate it!


  1. What a great book for kids, Mart! How exciting to see this available. :) Thanks for hosting, Jo!
