Book Review: Book Reviews That Sell by Dr. Gary Webb
About the book
Having a good number of high-quality book reviews can make the difference between mediocre books sales and having a best seller. Dr. Webb's last four books have ranked #1 in their categories.
Even after such success, Dr. Webb recognized that he was neglecting an important part of maintaining long-term sales. He concentrated on getting about 15-20 reviews immediately following the release of his books, but he failed to establish the process for getting more and better reviews, setting higher goals for reviews after the book launch. His research and testing for this book will prove themselves within the first week of launch, but also for the extended period following its initial success.
By reading BOOK REVIEWS THAT SELL, you will learn:
- Reasons why Amazon may soon remove some of your best reviews.
- Techniques and tips for increasing the quality and quantity of reviews you are getting.
- How to recognize the most common mistakes authors are making when seeking more reviews.
- A system for identifying and tracking actual and potential reviewers for your books.
- A legitimate way to use virtual assistants to help increase the number of reviews you get.
- How to screen potential reviewers to avoid the harshest and most negative ones.
- How to best handle the inevitable one-star review.
- How to build a large pool of reviewers who will be glad to see another book released with your name on it.
- How to have reviewers contacting you, asking for a review copy of your next book.