2018 A to Z Reading Challenge | Jo Linsdell

2018 A to Z Reading Challenge

2018 A to Z Reading Challenge #2018AtoZChallenge

I discovered the Ginger Mom Reads blog recently and I'm already hooked! I highly recommend following this blog is you don't already. 

Anyway, while I was there browsing the site I found out about the A to Z Reading Challenge and I'm super excited. The thing I really love about this challenge is that there is a kidlit version too. So I'll be reading my way through the alphabet in 2018, and taking part in all the fun activities that go with the challenge; readathons, Twitter parties, Instagram challenges, giveaways, and more. I plan to do both the adult version and the kidlit version of the challenge.

I'm also going to participate as an author, so if you'd like host me for an author interview, or would like a kindle review copy of one of my books to read for the challenge (Fairy May, Out and About at the Zoo, The Box, or any of the episodes from the KOSMOS series) drop me an email.

Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

Now I just need to work out which books I'll be reading for each letter...

Are you taking part in the challenge too? Got some suggestions for books? 


  1. I've seen a few of my friends sign up for this already... I'm still debating it.

    1. Do it! Do it! Do it! Did I convince you? ;) I'm a sucker for a good challenge.

  2. I'm doing this too. It should be fun.

  3. Good Luck. Unfortunately I have far to many books to review to be able to stick with something like this. But hope everyone does really well.

    1. Thanks. I'm going to be reading books from my review TBR for the challenge (as well as extras to fit the letters).

  4. I see a lot of people doing this challenge. What's holding me back is that I'm not sure that I could find authors or books for difficult letters, like "X." Not that they're not out there, but I would like to be genuinely interested in whatever book it is that I would read for that. I wish you luck on the challenge.

    1. I know what you mean. From that point of view the kidlit version will be much easier. I'm sure everyone will be offering suggestions for those of us struggling though. I'm still working on a list for this so still not sure what books I'll be reading but it'll be fun to try.

  5. I have never seen this challenge. I am not sure if I could it! LOL

    1. I'm not sure I'll manage it either but it'll be fun trying :)

  6. This sounds like a really interesting challenge, but I doubt that I could find anything I'd really finish because I enjoy picking up books I like, not based on their titles but the blurbs.

    1. It's going to be a struggle from that point of view, but I love a good challenge. I already have a few books on my TBR that fit nicely with the challenge.

  7. I agree with Whispering Stories, I've wayy too many review books. Maybe I'll do a simpler version of the challenge, just reading books starting from A to Z! :)

    1. That challenge exists. I can't remember who started it but it's out there ;)

  8. I always worry I won't be able to complete the challenge! But I love the idea! And also that there is a kidlit version!

    1. I love that there is a kidlit version too. My kids are going to join in with me. I worry about not finishing the challenge too but that's part of the challenge. Take part, have fun, and hope you make it to the finish line. Even if you don't complete it you'll have fun along the way.

  9. Welcome! We are so excited to have you join us for this challenge! And I see a lot of comments about finishing this challenge so I need to add that you can participate with as few as one book! It is shaping up to be a lot of fun!

  10. I really would love to join the challenge, but I don't know if I will be able to do it. I tend to try to not set goals on myself when I read books haha. Good luck for those who are joining the challenge!
