My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop: Favourite Book Bloggers | Jo Linsdell

My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop: Favourite Book Bloggers

My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop: Favourite Book Bloggers

As some of you already know, I run a Facebook group called Bookish Blog Hops where I organise blog hops with other book lovers. Click here to join. 

Today I'm kicking off the My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop by sharing some of our favourite book bloggers.

My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop: Favourite Book Bloggers

I love the book blogger community. Such a friendly and supportive group of people. Here's a few of the book bloggers I follow regularly:

Skye Hegyes  (
Skye Hegyes ( is joining in answering today's question too. Here's what she had to say:

I don’t know many book bloggers actually, but the two I follow include:

Rachel Poli ( - She reads a lot of YA, which I also read, and mystery, which is a genre I’m just beginning to dive into.

Words Read and Written ( - Jodie is an aussie blogger who reads a lot of contemporary and more erotic romance books, and while I don’t read a lot of those kinds of books, I do enough that I thoroughly enjoy recommendations from others such as Jodie.

Do you have a favourite book blogger(s)? Tell us about them in the comments below.

My Bookish Valentine Blog Hop: Favourite Book Bloggers

Next stop in the hop Drop by  tomorrow, and find out about books that other people love but we haven't read yet. 


  1. Thank you!! I joined the FB group and will submit a question and answer this week.

    1. You're welcome. I love your Saturday Nite Reader blog.

      Remember to sign up and post your answers to the group folders ASAP. Link is in the FB group (see pinned post ;))

  2. Replies
    1. The more the merrier. Just join the FB group and jump on in. All the details of how to participate are in the pinned post at

  3. Thank you so much for including me in this list! I just requested to join your group 💚

  4. Thank you for including me on your list. I've been blogging for three years and have never taken part in a blog hop. X

    1. You're welcome to join us over at Bookish Blog Hops anytime. We do hops throughout the year.

  5. You might have to teach me the basics :-)

    1. No problem :)

      Each day of the blog hop a different member will host one of the bookish questions on their blog and include the answers from other members in the post. I set up files for each question in folders (link is shared in the private FB group) and then other members of the group sign up to host/answer them.

      You are welcome to answer as few/many of the questions as you like. The more you answer, the more visibility you get. Answers don't need to be long. With several people answering each question, a short paragraph is enough.

      Remember, each question you answer gets you a quality backlink to your own website/blog which will help with the SEO of your site.

      It's a fun way to collaborate together to reach a bigger audience, and spread the love of books.

      I'm always on hand in the FB group to answer specific questions and offer help when needed ;)

  6. I am going to request to join your Facebook group. But new at blog so may need help with the blog hops ;)

    1. Just approved you to the group. Welcome on board! :) Happy to help when needed.

  7. What a neat idea! I have requested to join the Blog Hop page too. (Katie Parton)

  8. This is a great idea. I've already scheduled all my February posts, so I may not join until closer to the end of the month. If you don't see me there, can you remind me, please? Sounds like some of my favorite Internet people are there.

    1. You don't have to host a question. You can just answer the questions and be hosted on other participating sites ;)

  9. I think this is a fantastic idea I joined your Facebook group a couple pf weeks ago. But I have a lot going on this month so I had to pass on this blog hop this month, but I will most definitely join the next blog hop. Thank you so much for sharing and I will check out these other book blogs as well.

    1. Thanks Katiria. There will definitely be more blog hops later in the year. Hope you can take part in the next one.

  10. I'm actually on the hunt for some Sci-fi book bloggers if anyone knows any they could suggest ;)

    1. Take a look at Should be enough there to get you started ;)

  11. This is an amazing idea. I love blog hops and I will try and answer the questions as well.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  12. Thanks so much for adding us to your list :) Crystal and I adore your blog. And thank you again for guest posting for us!

    Megan @ Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest

    1. My pleasure, and thanks again for hosting me :)
