2021 Challenges: April Update | Jo Linsdell

2021 Challenges: April Update


2021 Challenges: April Update

2021 Challenges: April Update

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April was another month of high's and low's as far as my challenges were concerned. 

The Blog Audit Challenge 2021

The April Challenges were focused on internal links. This is something I'm constantly working on, and so I'm happy to report that I'm making good progress with making sure all my blog posts have internal links included in them.

The Social Media Audit Challenge

For this challenge I'm concentrating on social media. The April focus was on quality. I did some brainstorming to come up with new ideas for the sorts of content I want to share on my social media and how I can make sure it's branded and giving the right message about me and my brand. 

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

The Clock Reading Challenge April Update

Books read this month:

The A to Z Reading Challenge

The A to Z Reading Challenge April Update

Books read this month:

E- Evolving Elizah: Initiatum by CJ Hall - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

L- Love Is A Four-Letter Word by Claire Calman - My Review - AmazonGoodreads 

R- Ransom Road (Liars Island) by Anya Mora - My Review - AmazonGoodreads 

V- Victim of a Delusional Mind by KJ North - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

Currently reading:

British Greats (currently at page 58/264).

Fly by Demelza Carlton (currently at 4%).

2021 Challenges: April Update

How did you do with your April Challenges? Are you taking part in the Blog Audit Challenge or the Social Media Audit Challenge this year? Have you read any of these books? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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  1. I really need to start getting into these challenges. I will definitely sign up for some next year. I do like the look of your clock challenge.

    1. I can't resist a good challenge! đŸ˜‚ I'm having fun with the clock challenge. I already have some of the books for some of the numbers lined up on my TBR ready to go but I'm still missing a few. Up until now I've done them in order, but I have a book for seven that I want to read so might mix up the order a bit and then fill in the ones I skipped later. The important part is completing the whole clock by the end of the year.

  2. We love the time challenge! Good luck.

  3. Good to see your challenges are going well. You have some fabulous books you have read.

  4. You are kicking butt on your challenges and I love the graphics you have created to track them.

  5. That clock challenge is an unusual one - I don't think I've seen anything like that before. I'm doing an alphabetical challenge of a sort as part of the 20booksofsummer reading project, taking books from my shelves according to the author names. I didn't find anything by an author whose surname started with Q or X though
