Book Spotlight: The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall | Jo Linsdell

Book Spotlight: The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall


Book Spotlight The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall

Book Spotlight

The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall

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Today I'm part of a virtual book tour organised by The Write Reads for The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall. The tour for ‘The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession' will run from 12th - 26th February 2024. 

The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall tour banner

Publisher: Neem Tree Press

Length: 272 Pages

Genre: Art History Fiction, Short Stories

Date Published: February 2024

About the book

Book synopsis for The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall

The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall book cover

Spanning three hundred years of art history, The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession tells the stories of those with an insatiable hunger for creation – those who may sacrifice friendships, careers, romance, and even their own happiness in pursuit of a vision.

Weaving art styles such as Cubism, Surrealism, and the Baroque into his prose, Jake Kendall has crafted a vivid and inventive collection. Each story is complemented by a black and white illustration, drawing out the visually evocative nature of the writing and offering readers a unique artistic delight.

Buy now

Where to find The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall online: 


About the author

About the author 

Jake Kendall was born in Oxford and studied an MSc in Creative Writing with the University of Edinburgh. He takes inspiration from the visual arts, a theme that formed his debut collection. The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession (Neem Tree Press) refracts contemporary issues and anxieties through timeless imagery and artistic movements. Jake lives and works in Edinburgh and spends his free time visiting bookshops, exhibitions, theatre, and independent cinemas.

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Book Spotlight The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession by Jake Kendall

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