December 2024 Wrap Up: What Happened This Month | Jo Linsdell

December 2024 Wrap Up: What Happened This Month

December 2024 Wrap Up What Happened This Month

Lifestyle: December 2024 Wrap Up 

What Happened in December

Another year is over and a new one has just begun. Unfortunately I didn't have a great ending or start in terms of my health but there was some good stuff mixed in too. I guess it's all about looking for the positives.

Although I was in pain for most of it, I did enjoy my Christmas with family and friends. I hope that however you celebrated the holiday season, you had a good one. 

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Welcome to my December 2024 wrap up! 

Here's a break down of what I got up to this month: 

Wrapping Up December: What Happened This Month


My hair is currently having a well deserved rest. Due to health problems I haven't been able to dye it. I'm also keeping my natural curls at the moment as I've been on bed rest for a lot of the time and so no need for styling. 

I was gifted some hair products for Christmas that I look forward to testing out and sharing with you soon.


Like I said, health-wise I'm a mess. If you read my November wrap up you'll already know I was having a lot of abdominal pain. Well, it got worst. I was sent to the hospital for urgent recovery. Turns out it was acute cholecystitis mixed with some other problems.

I'm still struggling with those other problems. I have a rare diverticulosis of the colon and chronic gastritis plus some other issues. I'm going to be having more tests done this week and then I'm back to the hospital to try and work out solutions. It's all a bit complicated at the moment. 

As I'm struggling to eat and suffering from nausea and vomitting I've lost about 6kg over the past month. Sleeping is difficult due to pain too which means I'm feeling very weak in general.

I'm hoping that the new team of doctors that have taken my case will be able to put everything together and give me some quality of life back. As someone who constantly wants to be doing things, not being able to do anything is also starting to get to me. 

As I've been suffering with my health for so long and have so many different issues I never seem to be able to get to the bottom of it all. Each time they deal with the current major problem at the time (which is good don't get me wrong) but never actually manage to put it all together and get to the cause. 

At this point I'm pretty sure a lot of it is connected. I just need the doctors to connect all the dots and work out how to deal with it. Not an easy task I know, especially when the words 'rare' and 'complicated' seem to be thrown around a lot when discussing my situation. 

My hope is that 2025 will be the year I finally get answers and solutions. Health is so important. 

You might also like: Monthly Goal Ideas for Better Health


December was another amazing month in terms of blog traffic despite posting much less. Luckily I'd scheduled some posts ahead of time. 

Traffic for December: 320,823  page-views

Number of blog posts published in December: 14

Current DA score: 27

I had had plans to start off the new year with a bang. I was going to be super organised this year, plan in advance and set even bigger goals. That's obviously been put on hold right now as it's just not possible given my current situation.

I am going to be working on the blog when I can though and have already done a lot of brainstorming of ideas in my more comfortable moments. I'm doing what I can, when I can and trying not to stress myself out about it all. My body is definitely giving me lessons in patience and about being more accepting of myself and life in general. It is what it is and I'll make the most of it when I can. As a major control freak this is not a lesson that has come easily to me.

I do still have huge goals I'd like to reach this year. It just might take a little longer than I'd originally planned to get there.

Reading challenges

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge a few years ago as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

If you need some help finding books for the challenge check out Books with Numbers 1-12 in the Title: Clock Reading Challenge.

I completed the Clock Reading Challenge 2023 in November

You can now join in the Clock Reading Challenge 2024

I finished the challenge! My final clock is much more varied than in past years, both in genre and star ratings of the books I read. 

The Clock Reading Challenge 2024

Books read:

12- Twelve Drummers Drumming by Emily E.K. Murdoch My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

Books read: 

0 books read. I didn't make any progress in December with the remaining books on my Net Galley TBR unfortunately. On the upside, I did make a lot of headway with my Net Galley TBR over the course of the year and so the 2025 list is much shorter than past lists have been. I might even manage to finish them all for a change... if of course, I can resist adding any more until after I'm done with the current selection. 

Other books read:

A Christmas Cowol by Mooriah Dairy - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

Nothin’ Goes Right the Night Before Christmas by John and Dan Bell - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

SantACHOO by Carli Valentine - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

The Nice List Checklist by Brittany Plumeri  - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

The Mystery of the Christmas Bauble by Carmen Radtke - My Review (coming soon) Amazon - Goodreads

Currently reading:

Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray - currently on page 101/345 - Amazon - Goodreads


If we're not counting hospitals when nothing at all to report on.


Again, exercise wasn't really an option for me.

December 2024 Wrap Up What Happened This Month

How did you do with your December Challenges? What challenges are you doing for 2025? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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  1. I hope 🙏 2025 is the year of health answers and solutions! 🥂~Carol @ ReadingLadies
