Book Spotlight: Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender | Jo Linsdell

Book Spotlight: Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender


Book Spotlight Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender

Book Spotlight: Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender

Stack Real-World Goals, Develop Your Dragons, Thrive Beyond the 9 to 5

Looking for a different kind of business book? Capture your Dream could be it! 

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Today, I'm told is Appreciate-A-Dragon Day, and so I'm putting the spotlight on the latest release from author Sandy Lender.  Are you ready to discover your Dragon Score?

Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender book cover

Publisher: IYF Publishing/Dragon Hoard Press

Length: 173 Pages

Genre: Business

Date Published: 3rd January 2025

About the book

6 by 9 

Print ISBN 9798990908246 

Electronic ISBN 9798990908253

Book synopsis for Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender

Author Sandy Lender helps you assess your Dragon Score to stack and attack your side-hustle goals! 

· Anecdotes

· Lessons

· Inspiration

· Motivation

…to develop your side hustle while you keep the day job alive.

Sandy Lender is an award-winning storyteller so the anecdotes and lessons in the first half of the inspirational, motivational business book, CAPTURE YOUR DREAM, flow with a comfortable, conversational style. She’s also a professional magazine editor with a three-decades career, so the early instruction gives way to introspective and interactive exercises where the reader is encouraged to write down big-picture interests, list skills, participate in SWOT analysis, map plans, stack goals, and of course assess their dragon score to build a successful and rewarding side hustle. More than an exposition on building a career, CAPTURE YOUR DREAM is a catalyst for setting real-world goals to survive and thrive beyond the day job into the passion project of your youth.

What people are saying about the book:

“I think this content would make a great keynote address or TED Talk. I’m greatly impressed. Sandy is a master at explaining life’s lessons through stories. True, compelling and easy with which to associate. This is an excellent work for both the new career entrant and the seasoned professional who wants to make their dreams a reality! A must read for anyone embarking on their side hustle.”—James M. (Jay) Winford, Jr., Ph.D., P.E., CEO of Prairie Contractors, LLC

“Socrates said, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ Acclaimed fantasy author and award-winning magazine editor Sandy Lender looks within and demonstrates—beyond the lessons of solo-career guides like Morris Shechtman’s ‘Working Without a Net’—how inner perseverance, principle and faith are secrets to living your dream in a competitive world.”—Tom Kuennen, Principal, ExpresswaysOnline

“This was great information, but more than that, I’ve never read a business book like this before where it feels like she’s sitting right beside me, helping me understand each point. I could hear her voice over my shoulder speaking directly to me to guide me.”—John Ball, Proprietor, Top Quality Paving & Training

Buy now

Where to find Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender online: 


All electronic platforms 

About the author

About the author 

Sandy Lender, Author of Capture Your Dream

Sandy Lender is an international best-selling poet and award-winning author of fantasy, literary fiction, poetry, and short story work. She’s a construction magazine editor by day and author of #GirlPower fantasy novels by night, living in Florida to help with sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue. With a four-year degree in English and thirty-year career in publishing, Sandy’s successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a handful of technical writing awards, a handful of creative writing awards, a Pushcart Prize nomination in 2020, and the 2023 Michael Knost Wings award. Sandy’s been writing stories since she was knee-high to a grasshopper when her great-grandmother shared her odd little tales of squeaky ghost-spiders around an apartment complex in Southern Illinois. The stories have developed to include strong young ladies working with dragons to save worlds from terrible fates, but those pesky spiders still show up from time to time. There’s always something brewing at Sandy Lender Ink headquarters where some days, you just want the dragon to win.

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Book Spotlight Capture Your Dream by Sandy Lender

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