Wall Chat Wednesday: Special guest Amber Lea Easton | Jo Linsdell

Wall Chat Wednesday: Special guest Amber Lea Easton

This weeks Wall Chat Wednesday special guest is author Amber Lea Easton. Join us today on my Facebook page at 9:30pm CET where we'll be chatting about her latest release Riptide and more.

A bit about Amber:
Amber Lea Easton is a multi-published fiction and nonfiction author. For twenty years, she's worked in the fields of journalism and advertising with a brief detour into the financial industry.

Although she holds a BA in Communications & Journalism, she is a perpetual student of life who enjoys taking classes on a wide variety of subjects when time allows.

Smart is sexy, according to Easton, which is why she writes about strong female characters who have their flaws and challenges, but who ultimately persevere.

Easton currently lives with her two teenagers in the Colorado Rocky Mountains where she gives thanks daily for the gorgeous view outside her window. She finds inspiration from traveling, the people she meets, nature and life’s twists and turns. At the end of the day, as long as she's writing, she considers herself to be simply "a lucky lady liv'n the dream." 

As always you are welcome to post your own questions for Amber directly to the wall during the chat.