Jasmine's Got Talent! is now available for pre-order | Jo Linsdell

Jasmine's Got Talent! is now available for pre-order

Super exciting news this week as Jasmine's Got Talent! is now available for pre-order from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PO3Y3JM. I love working on the Jasmine Dreams series with +Maria Rochelle and think this is the best book yet. 

Jasmine's Got Talent! written by Maria Rochelle, illustrated by Jo Linsdell. Available now for pre-order

To celebrate the release of Jasmine's Got Talent! Maria and I will be touring the web from now right up until Christmas doing interviews, guest posts, book spotlights, and more, and we need your help. Can you host us on your site? Blogs, internet radio shows, even social media profiles (Twitterviews, G+ hangouts, Facebook wall chats...) we're game for it all ;) 

Thanks in advance for your support