As you probably know by now, I'm doing 3 writing challenges this month. Here's a quick run down of how things went this week:
This first week went well. I'm on track with my word count, despite falling slightly behind on the 5th.
My characters have taken over a couple of times and made some changes to my original plot outline. Nothing that can't be solved, but it's messed with my timeline a bit. Will just have to see further down the road, just what it means for the story.
At the moment I'm feeling optimistic about picking up my winner certificate at the end of the month.
This week has been good. The book is starting to take shape, and coming on quite quickly. At one point, I had even hoped to finish it in the first week. That didn't happen. I am at a good point though and if I can get in some good sessions over the next few days, I should be able to write THE END.
This challenge is going well too. So far I'm bang on track with an idea for each day.
One thing that has surprised me this year is the amount of non fiction ideas I've added to my list. I've always been mainly fiction in the past so this is new ground for me. I like the ideas I've had though and will definitely be developing some of them further. Will be interesting to see if I carry on with this non fiction streak or whether the fiction ideas start rolling in too.
Over all I'm really pleased with how the first week went :)
Are you doing a challenge this month? How's it going so far?