Book Review: The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron | Jo Linsdell

Book Review: The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron

Book Review: The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron

I got sent a copy of this book from the author as part of a virtual book tour organised by iread books tours.

Title: The CleanSweep Conspiracy

Author: Chuck Waldron

My rating: 4 stars

About the book:

Matt Tremain publishes VeritĂ©, a modest blog dedicated to writing about the truth and exposing scams. Currently, he’s following up on rumors concerning something called CleanSweep, a mysterious project in Toronto, Canada.

Book Review: The CleanSweep Conspiracy by Chuck Waldron
Matt gets his break when a whistleblower connects CleanSweep to billionaire Charles Claussen. Claussen plans to rid Toronto of undesirables, beginning with street people and extending to any citizens who don’t match Claussen’s restrictive screening matrix.

With the help of a high-ranking government official, Claussen plans to incite riots and violent unrest, conning Torontonians into sacrificing privacy and civil liberties for illusionary security and safety. Toronto will be reduced to a repressive city-state.

The information overwhelms Matt, who doubts he has the courage, skill, or readership to take on CleanSweep. But the murder of his source convinces the blogger to take a stand—although he’s too late to prevent chaos from gripping Toronto’s streets.

To get the word out, Matt’s going to need allies. He may have found some in a Toronto police detective and a local TV reporter pursuing the same story—presuming they aren’t allied with Claussen. If they are, Matt’s going to become yet another victim of CleanSweep, and the truth will be buried forever.

Watch the video for my full review:

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