Changes and Updates | Jo Linsdell

Changes and Updates

Changes and Updates: news and works in progress

This past couple of weeks I've been up to my eyeballs with end of term activities with my kids. Between school shows, swimming exams, Jiu Jitsu, and other year end festivities things have been pretty hectic. 

I decided that I'd make some time today to get organised before the summer break starts and my days melt into a constant kid zone. I'm not saying I won't be working through out the summer months, but I also know I'll be busy with the kids and have less time to dedicate to work.

I wanted to not only get organised with my blogs (particularly scheduling posts in advance for as much as possible. BTW if you want to be hosted there this summer now is the time to email me to set it up ;)), but also get organised with my works in progress.

I've neglected my works in progress so far this year, partly due to my health and partly due to being busy catching up for lost time whilst still dealing with life in the meantime. In order to help get myself back on track, and so that you can more easily follow my progress I've installed progress bars to the side bar. These will also hopefully work as inspiration for myself to finish all the projects I have on the go. 

Progress Bars added to website side bar to show writing progress
screenshot showing progress bars
My goal is to finish all books in the editing/illustrating stage over the summer, and hopefully move those in writing to the editing stage. 

As a side note, I've also been researching for another project (one that will be my NaNoWriMo for this year). It's something completely different from anything I've ever done before and so I'm starting to plan early. I won't reveal more right now but I will tell you it will be the first book in a Young Adult series, and that I'm beyond excited about it.

I'm also undergoing a slight re-styling of my brand image. This is something I've been playing around with for a while now, making small changes here and there. I want a more solid look to the website, and my branding in general. This is something that will still take a while to fully integrate but I like how it's all coming together.

I'm slowly working on updating this website and tweaking it here and there so that things are easier to find, and so that the general look is more professional. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments section and I'll add them to my list ;)