2022 Challenges: March Update | Jo Linsdell

2022 Challenges: March Update


2022 Challenges March Update

2022 Challenges: March Update

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We got COVID again. Despite only just having gotten over having it at Christmas (I had long covid the first time round and had only just started to get back to normal) we got it again.

Seems to have come from the school of my youngest. Unfortunately it's hit me hard again... even worse than the first time. On the upside the others are all OK.

I'm not doing great. It's been a tough month. I am slowly improving though. Hoping to be able to get chest scans done soon to check my heart and lungs but as I'm still positive at the moment I'll have to wait a little bit longer. 

Needless to say I've been on bed rest for most of the month and I've not been well enough to read for the most part.

Luckily I scheduled some content ahead of time and so haven't had to skip all my blog posts. I scheduled some video content for my Youtube channel in advance too so hopefully by the time that all posts I'll be back on my feet again. I also set up templates for posts like this one in advance. Maybe I'll do a blog post about bulk scheduling some time. 

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

The Clock Reading Challenge 2022 March Update

Books read this month:

8-  Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson - My Review - AmazonGoodreads 

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

The Cottage by Daniel Judson 53% 

2022 Challenges March Update

How did you do with your March Challenges? What challenges are you doing this year? Have you read any of these books? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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