The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag | Jo Linsdell

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

Tags for Book Bloggers

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

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It came to my attention recently that it's been a while since I did a book tag. As book tags tend to be a lot of fun I figured I'd search for some I haven't done before.

I found The Secret Life of a Book Blogger tag on and thought it would be fun to do.

You can watch my answers to the book tag here:

The Questions:

How long have you been a blogger?
At what point do you think you'll stop blogging?
What is the best thing about blogging?
What is the worst thing about blogging? What do you do to make it OK?
How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?
Who is your book crush?
What author would you like to have on your blog?
What do you wear when you write your blog posts?
How long does it take you to prepare?
How do you feel about the blogging community?
What do you think one should do to create a successful blog?

As I wasn't tagged to do this I'm not going to tag anyone in particular. If you would like to do the tag please consider yourself tagged by me.
I wasn't able to find out who created the original tag as it's been around for years (at least since 2019 if not before) so if you know who it was please pass on the details so I can give proper credit to the creator.

The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

Do you know of another great book tag I should do? Also, feel free to tag me in any book tags you do.

Are you a book blogger? Check out 101 Blog Post Ideas For Book Bloggers


  1. Some bloggers are having all the fun! Great Post Jo! I'm tucking this away for future use!
