Indie Books Recommended by Readers | Jo Linsdell

Indie Books Recommended by Readers

Indie Books Recommended by Readers

Books by Indie Authors

Self Published Books for your TBR

Self publishing has come a long way over the years and thanks to these independently published books we, the readers, have been treated to wonderful literature that we might not have had the opportunity to read otherwise.

The reputation of self published books has changed over the years. This is largely due to famous authors choosing to go down the indie route. 

Famous Indie Authors

Back in 1884 Mark Twain decided to cut out the middleman and start his own imprint publishing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. 

Beatrix Potter struggled to get the attention of traditional publishers back in the 1900's due to discrimination because she was female. She didn't let stop her. She self published 250 copies of The Tale of Peter Rabbit and finally traditional publishers wanted to print her work. It sold over 20,000 copies in the first year and continues to be a huge success even today.

A more recent example would be EL James who originally self published the first book in her 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. The book later became one of the fastest selling paperbacks in history.

As a self published author myself (FYI you can find my books here đŸ˜‰), I wanted to show some love to fellow indie authors out there in the lead up to the holiday season.

I reached out via my Twitter profile for suggestions of books by indie authors. The response was amazing! Not just self published authors sharing their books but also a large number of readers posting the titles of indie books that they loved. 

I had originally planned on doing just one post to include all the recommendations but as the response was so big I've decided to break the list down into more manageable chunks and do several separate posts. 

For this post I'll be concentrating on some of the books that were suggested by readers.

Indie Books Recommended by Readers

@katkinneywrites recommends: 

@AuthorWa suggested:

Have you read any of the books listed here? Who is your favourite indie author?

Indie Books Recommended by Readers

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